Tehran to host AALCO conference on countering terrorism

July 2, 2024 - 21:54

TEHRAN – Tehran, the capital of Iran, is set to host the upcoming Asian–African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO) conference, focusing on the prevention and countering of terrorism.

This significant event will take place on the 3rd and 4th of July, 2024, at the Institute of Political and International Studies of the Iranian Foreign Affairs Ministry.

The conference will commence on Wednesday morning, featuring opening remarks from distinguished delegates representing AALCO, the United Nations, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), the African Union, and numerous experts from AALCO member countries. These addresses will set the stage for a comprehensive discussion on various aspects of combating terrorism.

Organized under four primary themes, the AALCO conference aims to cover a wide array of topics related to terrorism prevention and countermeasures. The themes include "Prevention and Counter-Terrorism: From Theory to Action," "The Role of International and Regional Organizations in Preventing and Countering Terrorism," "The Responsibility of States and Individuals Concerning Terrorism," and "Regional Cooperation in Preventing and Countering Terrorism." Each theme will be explored through presentations, panel discussions, and expert analyses, providing a holistic view of the current challenges and strategies in combating terrorism.

The conference will highlight the international legal perspectives of AALCO member countries, with a particular focus on Iran's approach to preventing and combating terrorism. It will also delve into the multifaceted aspects of addressing and thwarting terrorism from the viewpoints of Asian and African nations. This exchange of knowledge and experiences aims to foster greater collaboration and understanding among the member states in their collective efforts against terrorism.

AALCO, originally known as the Asian Legal Consultative Committee (ALCC), was established on 15 November 1956, with seven Asian states as its founding members. Over the years, AALCO has expanded its membership and scope, becoming a vital platform for Asian and African countries to discuss and address legal issues of common concern, including the pressing issue of terrorism.

AALCO has presently 48 members comprising of the major states from Asia and Africa. Two-thirds of the world's population lives in AALCO member states.

As Tehran prepares to host this important conference, the city welcomes delegates and experts from across Asia and Africa to engage in meaningful dialogue and contribute to the global effort to prevent and counter terrorism. The outcomes of this conference are expected to have a lasting impact on international cooperation and legal frameworks aimed at combating terrorism.

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