Western states enabled Saddam's chemical attacks, now block aid to victims: acting FM

July 1, 2024 - 22:2

TEHRAN - Iran’s acting foreign minister, Ali Baqeri Kani, delivered a scathing condemnation of Western countries’ role in supporting Saddam Hussein’s chemical attacks during a commemoration ceremony marking the 37th anniversary of the Sardasht chemical attack. 

The ceremony honoured the victims of the attack, which took place on June 28, 1987, and left hundreds dead and thousands suffering from long-term health consequences. 

“In diplomacy, they [Western countries] did everything in their power to defend and support Baghdad’s dictator to an extent that they did not even allow the United Nations Security Council to issue a resolution against the Ba’ath regime due to its repeated use of chemical weapons,” Baqeri Kani stated. He highlighted how the Security Council, despite reports from UN inspection teams confirming Iraq's use of chemical weapons, remained inactive due to Western interests.

The acting foreign minister stressed the ongoing struggle faced by chemical victims due to Western sanctions. “What exacerbates the hardship of long-term consequences and pains suffered by Iranian chemical victims is the unilateral and inhumane sanctions imposed by Western countries, especially the United States, against the people of Iran, which include preventing chemical victims from accessing necessary medications and medical equipment,” he declared adding that Western states are essentially helping “Saddam’s inhumane project” to get completed. 

Baqeri Kani reiterated Iran’s firm stance against weapons of mass destruction, highlighting the country’s active role in negotiating and ratifying the Chemical Weapons Convention. He emphasized Iran’s commitment to eliminating such weapons and creating a world free of chemical threats.

Elsewhere in his remarks, the acting top diplomat affirmed Tehran’s dedication to holding accountable those responsible for chemical weapons use and ensuring compensation for victims. "The Islamic Republic of Iran will not relinquish any effort to fulfil its legal responsibility to compensate the victims of chemical weapons used by the former regime of Iraq and to fulfil its ethical and humanitarian mission to demonstrate the intensity of abhorrence and ugliness of using weapons of mass slaughter," Baqeri Kani declared.

He further requested the establishment of a truth-finding mechanism to gather information and documents about German involvement in Iraq's chemical weapons program. 

"We have repeatedly requested the German government to provide documents and records of such legal proceedings to the Islamic Republic of Iran," Baqeri Kani stated. "We are still waiting for the German government's response to this logical proposal in the direction of uncovering the truth and enforcing justice."

The diplomat praised efforts in countries like the Netherlands where lawsuits have been filed against individuals who supplied chemicals and equipment to Iraq. “We welcome these actions – albeit insignificant – towards implementing justice.” 

Lastly, Baqeri Kani drew parallels between the 1987 chemical attack on Sardasht and the ongoing Israeli war in Gaza. "Today, the oppressed people of Palestine and Gaza are victims of the genocide by the occupying regime, and the procrastination and complacency of the international community, especially the Western countries, with the Zionist regime have exacerbated the killing of women and children," he stated.

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