Our elections and their elections!

June 29, 2024 - 21:26

TEHRAN - Kayhan devoted its editorial to the Iranian and American elections and said: Simultaneously with the presidential elections in our country, the election debates between the two main candidates, Donald Trump and Joe Biden, have started in the United States as well.

According to the Western media's analysis, "lies, financial and moral corruption, inability and incompetence" in the first American election debate are very prominent. The situation is so bad that the Democrats are looking for a replacement for Biden, and if there was another choice, the Republicans would definitely replace Trump with another person. But the debates in our country were held in a much more moral atmosphere. All our election candidates are noble and honorable. Also, our beloved country, Iran, has lost its hard-working president and government. It is in the middle of a war-torn region. It has suffered the most unfair sanctions. It is fighting with the meanest and the most immoral opposition, and it is struggling with economic problems. But according to a Chinese professor of Middle East studies, there is such peace in Iran that it is unimaginable for the world.

Iran: Defense of the republicanism against brutality

In a note, the Iran newspaper addressed the obscenity of the opposition in the voting process of Iranian citizens abroad and wrote: Simultaneously with the presence of Iranian citizens abroad at the ballot boxes, people affiliated with MKO, monarchist and separatists tried to harass Iranian citizens by using obscenity and causing disturbance to Iranian citizens. They prevented them from participating in the presidential elections. Iran's opposition followed the election boycott project by launching virtual campaigns. However, on Friday, at the same time as inside the country, the voting branches abroad also witnessed the active and enthusiastic presence of Iranian citizens. Many Iranian citizens abroad, after participating in the elections and casting their votes in the boxes, published pictures of their attendance and votes on social networks. Also, in voting branches abroad, Iranian citizens held the flag of Iran in response to the obscenity of the opposition.

Siasat-e-Rooz: Biden and Trump's verbal dispute over Iran

Siasat-e-Rooz devoted its headline to the first debate of the 2024 U.S. presidential election and said: Biden and Trump had a verbal argument with each other in the first election debate on Iran and its power in the region. They accused each other of being unable to confront Iran. Also, in line with the policy of maximum pressure under the pretext of Tehran's nuclear program, the U.S. government sanctioned three companies and 11 ships for allegedly being involved in the transportation of Iranian petroleum and petrochemical products. This is while Iran has repeatedly emphasized that the fundamental policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran is to reject nuclear weapons, as well as its strong determination to use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes and its firm commitment is still strong to dialogue and diplomacy without change. As the Leadership clarified, the components of our power are not only material and hardware. People turned dangerous situations into great opportunities. For example, despite the follow-ups at the vice consular office, it was not possible to vote in Canada, and this time they showed another sign of enmity and showed the world that they were not true in their false claims. People once again showed their passion and insight and created very special conditions.

Jam-e-Jam: America supports terrorism

Jam-e-Jam newspaper wrote in an analysis: General Frank McKenzie, as the commander of the U.S. Central Command, oversaw some of the most important and controversial operations in the modern military history of this country. He was directly responsible for the attack on Martyr Qassem Soleimani, among other things. According to him, in the book "The Melting Point", with a delay of 13 minutes from the attack on General Soleimani, they organized an attack on a house in Yemen where they thought a key commander of the Revolution Guards was there, but this attack was unsuccessful! The Americans also planned to attack the Saviz spy ship, which they decided to cancel because they wanted to see what Iran's response would be at first! The obvious point of this is that according to McKenzie's confessions, even at a time when Iran-U.S. relations were at the lowest possible tension and the nuclear agreement was reached, the U.S. did not change its approach towards Iran. This is a very important lesson for the present and future officials of the Islamic Republic.

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