Hezbollah: Israel sinking deeper into swamp of Gaza war

June 26, 2024 - 23:47

A senior Hezbollah official has cast doubts on the United States’ sincerity to stop the Gaza war, stressing that Israel is “sinking deeper and deeper into the swamp" of the war of attrition as it has failed to achieve a single victory after more than 260 days of a bloody onslaught.

“Americans are not looking to stop the war; but rather want the aggression to continue. What should resistance fighters do in such a situation? They have no choice but to fight on.

They are capable to do so. We are certain that Israel will sink deeper and deeper into the swamp of this war of attrition and will not achieve any of its goals as it has been the case up until now,” Deputy Secretary-General of Hezbollah Sheikh Naim Qassem said on Tuesday, according to Press TV. 


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