The action of the Europeans will not go unanswered

June 26, 2024 - 23:49

TEHRAN - In a note, the Iran newspaper addressed the UN Security Council meeting to discuss the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 2231 regarding Iran and said: England, France, and Germany again issued a joint statement against Iran.

After this meeting and the review of the 17th report of Antonio Guterres, the Secretary General of the UN, regarding the implementation of this resolution and the Iran nuclear agreement, the European troika did not point out their disloyalties in their obligations towards this agreement in a statement. They have claimed that recent reports by the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency show that Iran is moving in the wrong direction by continuing to escalate its nuclear activities far beyond the limits of the Iran nuclear deal. What is obvious is that these countries ignored the main root of the current situation, the first and most important of which is the unilateral and illegal withdrawal of the United States from the JCPOA. Iran's nuclear activities, including enrichment at various levels, are for peaceful purposes, and this action by the Europeans will not go unanswered by Iran.

Donya-e-Eqtesad: The main priority of the new president

In a conversation with Mohammad Bagher Nobakht, the former head of the Planning and Budget Organization, Donya-e-Eqtesad dealt with the most important priority of the next president of Iran. It wrote: Emphasizing the destructive role of sanctions on the national and household economy, Nobakht said that the most important priority of the 14th government is to use the power of diplomacy to reduce the heavy pressure of sanctions. The destructive effect of sanctions on people's livelihood is so serious that it cannot be denied. American extremists, provoked by Israel and some rival countries, used Trump's opportunity to disturb the stability and development of Iran. The bitter experience of the return of sanctions and its effects on people's lives once again tells the truth that whether we accept or deny sanctions, unfortunately, they have a destructive effect on the national economy and the household. The new government can be expected to remove the heavy pressure of sanctions on people and the country by using the power of diplomacy and active presence in international arenas in a situation where the country's defense and deterrence power is strong.

Arman-e-Melli: The path of negotiation should be toward the lifting of sanctions

Arman-e-Melli talked with Hassan Beheshtipour, an international relations analyst, about the position of the 14th government in foreign policy. The paper said: It is not true to say that sanctions are a blessing and that sanctions make the economy flourish. Iran should move in a direction where a clear model of growth is presented. Four important solutions to overcome the existing challenges can be put on the agenda. First, increasing the economic power through interacting with different countries as much as possible. Second, increasing the nuclear power of the country, which fortunately has the foundations. Third, increasing the power of public diplomacy of the country, and fourth adopting strong foreign policy. All these necessities are aimed at ending the economic sanctions. One of the important things that can be implemented is the dialogue with the United States. Today, Iran and America communicate their views through the Omani side. For this reason, it is necessary to continue the talks with the American side in order to realize the national interests. The future president of Iran should start and continue negotiations with the European and American parties with the aim of ending sanctions.

Hamshahri: New American sanctions

In an analysis, Hamshahri discussed the new sanctions against 50 individuals and entities by the United States and said: Claiming that these individuals and institutions constitute numerous branches of a vast secret banking network, the United States imposed sanctions under the pretext of connection with the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps and the Iranian Armed Forces. America unilaterally and illegally withdrew from the JCPOA and implemented the most severe sanctions against Iran. The Biden administration has also sanctioned the Islamic Republic of Iran by continuing these sanctions under various pretexts and in line with the dual approach of diplomacy and pressure. The Biden administration, which claimed to have a diplomatic approach towards Iran and to try to return to the JCPOA, has not only failed to return to the JCPOA, but with successive sanctions have moved in line with the failed policies of maximum pressure of the Donald Trump administration.

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