Foreign nationals can benefit from banking services: official

June 21, 2024 - 19:22

TEHRAN – Concerning the implementation of deposit plan for foreign nationals, they can benefit from different banking services, the head of the National Organization for Migration has said.

“The plan only includes authorized immigrants who have been accepted by Iran and have identity documentation,” IRNA quoted Abdollah Mobini as saying.

The plan, started in the past Iranian year (March 2023 – March 2024), aims to organize the funds and financial resources of legal foreign nationals, he added.

The official went on to say foreign nationals need to open a bank account in their names and benefit from all banking services such as owning cards and using e-banking.

Services for legal foreign nationals

On March 13, the National Organization for Migration, and Salamat Health Insurance Organization signed a memorandum of understanding to provide health insurance services for legal foreign nationals.

Referring to the health services provided for refugees, Abdollah Mobini, the head of the National Organization for Migration, said that international organizations should shoulder their responsibility and support Iran with the heavy costs [related to refugees], IRNA reported.

“Our most important concern is the transmission of diseases and other health problems by foreign nationals, and that’s why we consider ourselves obliged to promote the health of refugees,” he added.

The memorandum of understanding takes a big step in improving the health of both host and guest communities. It prevents the heavy costs of prevention, treatment, and healthcare, he noted.

Mohammad-Mehdi Nasehi, the managing director of Salamat Health Insurance Organization, emphasized that providing insurance coverage for foreign nationals is a priority in the country's health system.

He added that it helps both refugees and the country with the heavy costs of treatment and prevention, respectively.

Free health coverage for 200,000 refugees

With over 3.4 million refugees and refugee-like populations, Iran has become the second-largest refugee-hosting country globally.

About 200,000 foreign nationals in the country have been provided with free health insurance with the financial support of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Nasehi said in February.

Foreign nationals who are considered financially struggling can benefit from free health insurance services, Mehr news agency quoted Nasehi as saying.

Stating that the number of refugees in the country is far more than the number of people who have been covered by free insurance, he added that legal refugees can enjoy insurance services by paying their insurance premiums.


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