Men’s health week being held

June 15, 2024 - 16:0

TEHRAN – The national men’s health week is being held from June 13 to 19 with the theme of ‘healthy men, strong and young Iran.”

Men’s health week is an annual observance that aims to raise awareness about the health challenges faced by men and promote strategies for better physical and mental well-being.

The week aims to raise awareness of men’s health and to encourage all men to seek help to address any health concerns that they may be experiencing.

The days of the week are named as follows.

Thursday, June 13, ‘Prevention and timely detection of infertility in men’.

Friday, June 14, ‘Health literacy, childbearing, and men's health’.

Saturday, June 15, ‘Persian medicine and men's health’.

Sunday, June 16, ‘Occupational situations, and fertility health in Men’.

Monday, June 17, ‘Prevalent cancers in men; Stomach, prostate, bladder’.

Tuesday, June 18, ‘Backache, and work-related diseases in men’.

Wednesday, June 19, ‘Road accidents, disability, and men’s death’.

The international men's health week was created in 1994 to heighten awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of disease among men and boys.

The Law on Family and Youth Support and the contribution of incentives for childbearing is part of the program conducted under the supervision of the administration of the late president. It resulted in offering free infertility treatment to couples to benefit from numerous services.

There are about 400 hard-to-treat diseases. Currently, the number of diseases covered by insurance has reached 107.

The frequency of these 107 diseases is higher than other diseases.

According to the authorities, the chance to come down with the rest of the diseases is so low that there are less than 100 cases of individuals suffering from them.

Family Health Program and Electronic Referral System is one of the most important priorities of the health ministry, which is designed and implemented in order to increase access to health services and strengthen the country's health network system.

According to the program, a health team comprised of two caregivers and a physician is responsible for 3,000 individuals.


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