Iranian documentary “A Tale of the Final Year” compete in Mumbai International Film Festival

June 21, 2024 - 18:27

TEHRAN-The 18th Mumbai International Film Festival was held in India from June 15 to 21 with one Iranian film participating in the event.

“A Tale of the Final Year” by Mehdi Jabinshenas was the only film from Iran, which was present in the International Competition Section – Documentary, ISNA reported.

The 48-minute documentary shows Mrs. Salem, a second-grade primary school teacher, in the last year of her teaching. She has been involved in online education. But she does not send photos and videos of herself. The principal, who will also retire this year, is concerned about the state of education. She is trying to maintain the reputation of her 30-year management.

It won the best sound and editing award in the feature documentary section of the 16th Jaipur International Film Festival (JIFF) in India, earlier this year in January.

The Mumbai International Film Festival, popularly known as MIFF is one of the oldest and much sought-after competitive festivals for documentary, short fiction, and animation films in South Asia. Held biennially since 1990, MIFF has grown in terms of participation of countries, quality of films screened, and side events. The international event is organized by the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Government of India. 

MIFF provides a platform for documentary filmmakers from all over the world to meet, exchange ideas, explore the possibilities of co-productions and marketing of documentary, short, and animation films, and also broaden the vision of the filmmakers vis-à-vis world cinema.

Documentary cinema creates the most significant impact on the world. One that not only educates, inspires, and motivates a change in society but also acts as a tool that transcends cultures and boundaries. The flourishing non-fiction film movement spearheaded by MIFF has gained momentum with the increased need for more realistic content as opposed to more dramatized and commercial fiction stories. 

MIFF with the participation of the world’s leading documentary-making countries with their best content, gives documentary, animation, and short fiction filmmakers their wings so that they can soar into deeper conceptualizations that accommodate narratives of the past, present, and future of the society.

The 18th edition of the festival will conclude on June 21.


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