Omanis get to know medical tourism capabilities in Iran

TEHRAN – Some Omani tourism professionals have toured Iran’s Razavi Hospital, exploring the medical tourism capacities within the infirmary for a possible future collaboration.
“As a result of mutual efforts to bolster cooperation between the neighboring nations, a team of tourism activists hailing from Oman set foot in Mashhad,” reported on Tuesday.
The 60-member team had stopovers at Mashhad’s tourist and pilgrimage sites along with exploring the city’s residential and medical facilities.
Focused on paving the way of future collaborations between Iranian part including the Razavi Hospital and Sepehran Airlines and their counterparts from Oman, the visit was dedicated to present Mashhad’s significant capacities in the medical tourism field.
Meeting with the CEO of Razavi Hospital, Dr. Mohsen Mehvar, Omanis have been familiar with the wide array of services being offered to patients, such as Nuclear Medicine Department, the International Patient Department (IPD), to name a few.
Despite being renowned as a medical tourism hub, Mashhad has witnessed limited numbers of Omanis seeking medical services.
The initiative is believed to enhance cooperations between the two nations in the near future.
It’s noteworthy that Razavi Hospital, with its various diagnostic and treatment departments and a skilled team of prominent professors and specialists in different medical fields, is one of the most advanced medical centers in the region.
By attracting the highest number of health tourists in the country, the infirmary has managed to earn numerous awards, including the title of “National Exemplary Exporter in Health Tourism” in the past year.
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