Lalejin thrives as global pottery hub with hundreds of workshops

June 11, 2024 - 17:30

TEHRAN – Lalejin, a small town renowned as a world pottery capital, boasts hundreds of active workshops and home studios, providing ample employment for its residents.

In a recent interview with ISNA, a local official in charge of handicrafts, announced the operation of 1,400 pottery workshops and home studios in the world-renowned city of Lalejin.

“These facilities provide substantial seasonal employment,” Mostafa Pashaei added. “Contributing to Lalejin’s status as a town without unemployment.”

Pashaei highlighted that over 5,000 residents of Lalejin are engaged in the pottery industry.

To celebrate Handicrafts Week, he underscored, the city is hosting various events, including pottery painting sessions in different centers.

 “The city’s artisans export their products to numerous countries…,” Pashaei stated.

In his final words, he noted that Lalejin’s designation as a world pottery capital in 2016 has played a crucial role in fostering sustainable employment, attracting tourists, and promoting the city’s pottery art internationally.


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