Iran condemns U.S., UK complicity in Israeli Al-Nuseirat camp massacre

June 10, 2024 - 21:38

TEHRAN – Iran’s foreign ministry spokesman on Monday rebuked Washington and London for taking part in a recent Israeli attack on a central Gaza refugee camp which left more than 200 Palestinian civilians dead and hundreds of others wounded.

“We strongly condemn the heinous crimes of the Zionist regime in this camp. Many reports suggest that U.S. and UK military and intelligence forces were also involved in these operations. This indicates that in a tripartite operation, more than 700 Palestinian citizens were killed or wounded, which is a major setback for the Zionist regime. This barbaric operation is condemned in the strongest terms by the Islamic Republic of Iran,” Nasser Kanaani expressed during the foreign ministry’s weekly press conference. 

Israel carried out an unprecedented and violent raid on the Al-Nuseirat camp in central Gaza on Saturday. Reports show the regime’s soldiers concealed inside UN aid trucks to penetrate the camp. Four Israeli captives taken by Hamas resistance forces on October 7 were freed as a result of the brutal and bloody operation.

Kanaani also addressed the issue of ceasefire in Gaza, asserting that the U.S. government has provided full support to the Zionist regime's war crimes against Palestinian citizens for the past eight months. He criticized the lack of evidence showing genuine U.S. efforts to establish a ceasefire and called on Washington to refrain from supplying military equipment to the regime.

“If there is any honesty in the U.S. government, it should refrain from sending military equipment to this regime,” he stated. 

Furthermore, Kanaani highlighted the internal collapse and strategic failures of the Zionist regime, citing the recent resignations within its cabinet. He emphasized that these changes would not alter the situation for Palestinians. 

“The repeated resignations in the Zionist regime's cabinet indicate internal collapse and the failure of this regime to achieve any of its goals. It’s telling of the regime’s strategic failures. However, the displacement of some killers in the Zionist regime's cabinet will not change the situation in Palestine.”

European Trio’s actions “unconstructive” 

Shifting the focus to nuclear issues, Kanaani criticized Western pressure on Iran, labeling certain European actions as "unconstructive." He stressed Iran's adherence to international laws and agreements regarding its nuclear activities and expressed concern over pressure from Western countries leading to a deviation of international agencies from their professional functioning.

When asked about Europe's potential activation of the snapback mechanism, Kanaani refrained from speculation: “I will not speculate on Europe's intentions. We will show constructive reactions to constructive behaviors and will respond according to international laws to non-constructive behaviors.”

Regarding the arrest of an Iranian citizen in France, Kanaani assured that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is closely monitoring the situation. He revealed that diplomatic efforts have been initiated, including discussions with the French ambassador to Tehran and issuing an official note on the matter. Kanaani affirmed that the release of the detained citizen is a top priority for Iran's diplomatic system.

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