Kermanshah to enhance tourism with child-friendly initiatives

June 10, 2024 - 18:5

TEHRAN – Kermanshah province in western Iran is ramping up every effort to be recognized as a child-friendly tourist destination.

“Registering the province as a child-friendly tourism hub,” Kermanshah’s deputy tourism chief highlighted. “Is a top priority on the agenda.” 

Considering capacities lie within the province, Vahid Amiri elaborated, measures are in the pipeline to secure Kermanshah as a child tourism destination as well as being previously recognized as a creative city of gastronomy by UNESCO.
A special pavilion is in preparation for the upcoming Tehran International Tourism Expo with an eye toward familiarizing the audience with Kermanshah’s capabilities in the field, he added.
Regarding the involved organizations, Amiri pinpointed that the Strategic Child-friendly Tourism Document is planned to be developed in collaboration between provincial sectors such as the Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults and the Ministry of Education headquarters, to name a few.

“We are making every effort,” he emphasized. “Considering the education system’s capacity to annually organize over two million student excursions in the form of tourism tours.”
The goals set in this initiative include familiarizing the younger generation with the tourism industry and its basic principles, encouraging and motivating the private sector to lead in the tourism sector, and optimally utilizing the available resources for this purpose, according to Amiri.

“We aim to encourage this highly capable generation to become developers and promoters of the province’s capabilities in the tourism sector,” he winded up.
Child-friendly tourism destinations are locations specifically designed or adapted to cater to families with children. These destinations prioritize safety, entertainment, and convenience to ensure a memorable and stress-free experience for both kids and their parents.
Restaurants and eateries at these destinations typically offer children’s menus, high chairs, and sometimes even play areas, ensuring that dining out is enjoyable for the whole family.
As Kermanshah has previously been registered by UNESCO as a creative city of gastronomy, securing its place as a child-friendly destination could also lead to tourism enhancement provincewide.

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