CIPCC holds lecture on China democracy

BEIJING- China International Press Communication Center (CIPCC) held a lecture titled “China Development Studies and Media Exchange: Whole-Process People’s Democracy and China’s Practice”, for journalists from all around the world.
The lecture was given by Professor Han Donglin from School of International Studies, Renmin University of China (RUC), who holds PhD in Social Science from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
During his lecture, Professor Han mentioned the achievements of China’s democracy as follows.
* Rapid economic development and the improvement of modernization level
* Significant improvement of material conditions and elimination of poverty
* The promotion of national status and national dignity
* High public satisfaction with the government
* The government is very responsive to the people
* The politics of the country is very stable and the operation of the political system is very effective
The lecturer also answered the questions raised by some journalists from Asian, African, European, Eurasian, and Oceanic countries.
Professor Han’s research focuses on Chinese public attitudes. He is the author of Image of the world: Chinese public attitudes towards International affairs (Social Sciences Academic Press, 2012, in Chinese). He has also published articles in the China quarterly, Journal of Contemporary China, Asian Survey, and the Chinese Journal of International politics.
China International Press Communication Center (CIPCC), under the China Public Diplomacy Association (CPDA), has initiated a program to build a platform for the media from countries around the world, especially developing countries, to observe China and study development in this country.
In each edition of the program, journalists from all around the world gather together to get familiar with the modern China and exchange their experiences in the field of journalism.
In 2024 edition of the program, started in late February, over 100 journalists from more than 90 countries are participating.
During their stay in China, the journalists have attended many lectures and press conferences arranged by the CIPCC.
Photo By Mahnaz Abdi
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