‘Sanctions hinder realization of all for health, health for all’

May 31, 2024 - 15:34

TEHRAN –Health Minister Bahram Einollahi has called on the global community to stand against unilateral sanctions that hinder the realization of the World Health Assembly’s goal of ‘all for health, health for all’.

Einollahi made the remarks at the 77th World Health Assembly, which is being held in Geneva, Switzerland, from May 27 to June 1.

The official started by elaborating on the activities of the administration of the late President Ebrahim Raisi which aimed at improving universal health.

The official highlighted the vital importance of family health and the referral system as the priorities of the country, stating, “We believe that developing family medicine educational programs with a holistic approach under the title of ‘family health’ guarantees all aspects in the health of the family.

It will ultimately result in providing effective patient care, improved services, and reduced burden on healthcare infrastructure, free outpatient and inpatient services for children under the age of seven with the help of government,” the health ministry's website quoted Einollahi as saying.

The official went on to say, “We are committed to prioritizing health care as our top priority and  allocating sufficient resources to maintain the significant progress in the sector in the face of ongoing and increasing external economic restrictions caused by illegal unilateral coercive measures.”

“Our rightful expectation from international communities is to stand against illegal, unilateral sanctions on the health sector,” he added.

The health minister also noted, “While we are gathering here at the World Health Assembly in Geneva,  genocide is being committed against the Palestinians. Let's all make our best effort to realize the goal of ‘all for health, health for all’.”

The 77th WHA

A total of 192 health ministers from World Health Organization (WHO) member states are attending the event.

The strategic roundtables span the overarching theme of the Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly: All for health, health for all.

During the meeting, experts discuss and reflect on current and future priorities and challenges facing global health as per related documents, and the member states will express their ideas about each document, IRNA quoted Deputy Health Minister Mohammad Hossein Niknam as saying.

Einollahi presented a statement on 34 specific documents related to the country's health system.

Out of 34 documents, 25 are on general health activities, six focus on the activities of different departments, one titled 'The Global Health Initiative for Peace' is related to international cooperation, one addresses the health situation in the occupied territories [Palestine], and the last one pertains to the eradication of smallpox, Niknam noted.

In addition, other topics such as the budget and financial issues, the membership status of the member states, auditing, and issues raised in the executive board session of the WHO will be reviewed by specialized committees.

In the 77th WHA, a total of 70 topics will be discussed in the form of documents, he stated.

To promote collaborations, Einollahi has held meetings with his counterparts from different countries including Armenia, Pakistan, Cuba, Zimbabwe, China, the health ministries of the G5 countries, and the Director General of the WHO, on the sidelines of the WHA, the official further noted

The WHA is the decision-making body of WHO. The main functions of the WHA are to determine the policies of the Organization, appoint the Director-General, supervise financial policies, and review and approve the proposed program budget.

Held annually in Geneva, Switzerland, it focuses on a specific health agenda prepared by the Executive Board.

Health is a universal right

On April 7, Einollahi said, “Health is a universal right and responsibility that is not limited to any specific age group, culture, or nationality.”

All members of society from their childhood to old age have the right to access high-quality health services without financial worries.

Access to clean drinking water, soil, air, and food is a fundamental right and responsibility, the Health Ministry’s website quoted Einollahi as saying.

He made the remarks on the occasion of World Health Day 2024, calling upon decision-makers to create conducive environments for individuals to actively participate in creating and maintaining health, from home to the community and the environment.


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