Iran urges global action for peace in Afghanistan

May 13, 2024 - 21:54

TEHRAN - Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister for Political Affairs, Ali Bagheri Kani, has called upon the United Nations and international organizations to prioritize efforts aimed at promoting peace, security, and prosperity in Afghanistan.

Speaking during a meeting with Roza Isakovna Otunbayeva, the UN's special representative for Afghanistan, Bagheri Kani emphasized the negative repercussions of the U.S. presence in the region, citing increased instability, insecurity, and the proliferation of terrorism and drug trafficking as significant concerns.

In his remarks, Bagheri Kani stressed the imperative for international bodies to place the welfare of Afghan citizens at the forefront of their agenda, advocating for measures to enhance living standards and guarantee national security within the war-torn nation. 

Additionally, he urged Western nations, particularly the United States, to take responsibility for the repercussions of their prolonged involvement in Afghanistan, spanning more than two decades.

Furthermore, Bagheri Kani underscored the United Nations' pivotal role in facilitating peace and stability in Afghanistan, while also highlighting the importance of repatriating skilled Afghan nationals to contribute to the country's reconstruction efforts. 

This call comes amidst ongoing challenges faced by Afghanistan, including the resurgence of the Taliban and the aftermath of the chaotic withdrawal of U.S.-led foreign forces.

In response, Otunbayeva acknowledged the complexity of Afghanistan's situation, emphasizing the necessity for regional and international cooperation to bolster its development and stability. She sought Iran's assistance in fostering constructive collaboration among stakeholders from both regional and international arenas, underscoring the importance of engaging with Afghanistan's de facto government to address pressing issues and pave the way for sustainable progress.

Afghanistan has been ruled by the Taliban since the U.S. hastily withdrew its forces from the country in August of 2021. It currently grapples with various security and humanitarian challenges, which are thought to be the results of more than two decades of American occupation.

Iran has repeatedly expressed willingness to work closely with the Taliban while calling for an “inclusive” government in the war-stricken country.

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