Negotiations, deal possible between Iran, IAEA ahead of BoG meeting

May 12, 2024 - 22:16

TEHRAN- Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency are working to reach an agreement on a draft before the presentation of the IAEA Director General’s periodic report to the Board of Governors on June 7th of this year.

For this reason, it is possible that in the coming days, Tehran will see the presence of some officials from the IAEA for further negotiations on the mentioned draft.

Last week, Rafael Grossi, the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, traveled to Tehran and Isfahan to participate in and speak at a nuclear science and technology conference in Iran, as well as to meet with some officials of the country.

During this trip and negotiations, it was agreed that the joint March agreement, which was reached during one of Grossi’s trips to Iran, would be the basis for bilateral interaction and cooperation, and negotiations between the deputies of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization and the International Atomic Energy Agency began to prepare the draft.

Iran and the Agency are working to conclude their negotiations on the draft before the IAEA Director General’s periodic report is presented to the Board of Governors on June 7th of this year. 

According to this draft, Iran and the Agency’s activities and cooperation will be followed in three areas. The first part concerns past issues that were closed in the JCPOA document in the form of the PMD (Possible Military Dimensions of Iran’s Nuclear Program) file. In this part, the important issue of the two remaining sites and the final resolution of the file will be discussed.

As Eslami stated, the second part concerns current conditions, in which necessary reciprocal measures will be taken within the framework of compliance and the NPT.

And the third part concerns the person of the Director General of the Agency, who must act as a facilitator and mediator to remove obstacles and resolve issues, which are mainly political, in a constructive and successful manner within the framework of the Agency’s professional responsibility.

It remains to be seen how the outcome of the negotiations between the IAEA and AEOI will be, and how constructive and successful the process of reaching the text of this draft will be, free from political maneuvering and with good intentions, within the professional responsibility framework of the Agency.

Las week, Grossi met with Hossein Amir Abdollahian, the Foreign Minister of Iran, in Tehran. 

The Iranian foreign minister emphasized that the UN nuclear watchdog must take unbiased and professional positions, urging the U.S. officials to stop inconsistent and erratic actions that could hurt Tehran-IAEA cooperation.

The timing of the IAEA chief's trip to Iran, according to Amir Abdollahian, is ideal, especially in light of the delicate and complex circumstances in the region. 

The Iranian foreign minister emphasized the vital role played by the IAEA and stated that stability and security will be restored to the region thanks to Grossi’s unbiased and professional views as well as Iran and the Agency’s successful collaboration.

According to the Foreign Ministry's website, the top Iranian diplomat then characterized the threats made by the Zionist authorities to use nuclear bombs as an obvious danger to regional and global peace and security. 

He also underscored how crucial it is for the IAEA to react to such alarming claims made by the officials of a regime that is armed with nuclear weapons.

He continued by outlining the history of U.S. non-compliance with earlier agreements about Iran’s peaceful nuclear program and asserted that cooperation between Iran and the IAEA should not be impacted by Washington’s inconsistent and unstable policies and actions. 

Amir Abdollahian also said that while this collaboration should continue in the correct path, both parties must believe that it leads to a breakthrough.

Grossi, for his part, praised Iran’s stance of recognizing and expanding the reassuring collaboration with the IAEA and emphasized Iran’s critical role in restoring peace and security to the region.

Grossi emphasized that anyone attempting to inflate conflict, tension, and confrontation in the region with any rationale or pretext will fail if Iran and the IAEA work together more closely.

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