We have to support each other, have development together: Burundi’s ambassador

BEIJING- I, as the representative of my country, and also my newspaper (the Tehran Times), along with over 100 journalists from more than 90 countries around the world, are participating in a training program, organized by China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in Beijing.
During our stay in China, we are taking part in different programs, including lectures and press conferences, as well as visiting different places, including industrial zones, cultural sites, and also exhibitions.
In one of our visits, which was to a waste sorting and recycling exhibition here in Beijing, I got familiar with a wonderful lady. She was visiting the exhibition with her lovely children. As I love kids a lot, I went to them and asked the lady to hug her lovely little daughter, who was really like a beautiful doll in her nice dress. The kind lady gave me the permission to hug her daughter and play with her cute sons.
Then we spoke with each other and I found that she is the Second Counselor in Burundi Embassy in Beijing.
Her name is Rebecca Sibomana, and now we are friends. I really admire her, as she is really a wonderful lady, she is an active diplomat and at the same time a mother of four children.
When I found that she is from Burundi, I told her, “Just a moment madam, my friend, Willy, who is a journalist from your country and is taking part in the same program with me, is today here, I will go to find him and come back to you.”
Then I went to Willyfrid Vyamungu, my friend from Burundi who is a journalist and photographer working for Burundi News Agency, and we together came back to Mrs. Sibomana. Willy and the lady began to speak together and I left them to visit the exhibition.
At the end of that event, when there was a ceremony on the issue of waste sorting and recycling, I and Mrs. Sibomana got each other’s contact number, then I hugged her lovely daughter, and she said to her daughter, “Now you have a new auntie.”
Then we hugged each other and said goodbye.
After two days, Willyfrid, who we call Willy, sent me a message and said that there is ceremony at the place of Burundi Embassy in Beijing on May 1, and Mrs. Sibomana has invited us to participate.
So, in the afternoon of May 1, which is the International Worker’s Day, I and Willy went to the place of his country’s Embassy in Beijing, that took just five minutes on foot to get there from our place.
When we arrived we were warmly welcomed by Mrs. Sibomana, that I like to call her my dear Rebecca.
*** Burundi, Heart of Africa, touched my heart deeply
There was a nice ceremony on the occasion of the Workers’ Day at the Embassy. The whole staff of the embassy and the guests who were all from Burundi were so friendly and hospitable.
There were also some Burundian young people who were studying in China, whose presence in that event made the atmosphere of ceremony young.
I really enjoyed the music of Burundi and also their wonderful foods in that ceremony. Everything was so good and intimate that I really felt like I was at home.
Mrs. Sibomana cared about us a lot and came to us moment by moment to hospitalize us, she was really kind to us.
After the dinner, His Excellency Ambassador Telesphore Irambona came to us and we had a very warm conversation. He was very friendly to us, and I really appreciate his kindness.
Although Mr. Ambassador was busy at that night, he made me favor and gave me time for an interview.
As I am an economic journalist, I asked him his opinion about economic cooperation between Iran and Burundi, and the following is his answer.
“We have to support each other and have development together. It’s possible, because now the economy or the development is connected, the world is like a village, and then world is connected. And Iran, your country, and Burundi, my country, can do something good in cooperation in all fields, including commercial, exchange, and also development. We can support each other and have development together, because now, you see situation is not good, we have many conflicts in the world, and we cannot solve the problems alone, we need support, we have to support each other, it’s very important.”
After the interview with Mr. Ambassador, Mrs. Sibomana introduced me to First Counselor in Burundi Embassy Dr. Alfred Burimaso, and also Patrick Mushitsi, the representative of Burundian Diaspora in China, and we had a very friendly and informative conversation.
They asked me about my country and wanted to know about Persia, the ancient Iran. I briefed them about Persia and they were very interested.
When the ceremony finished, Mrs. Sibomana accompanied me and Willy to the exit door, where I hugged her and thanked her for that amazing night. We said goodbye and parted, but I know that she will shine in my heart forever.
Thanks a lot to His Excellency Ambassador Telesphore Irambona, Dr. Alfred Burimaso, and staff of Burundi Embassy, thanks to my friend Willy, and special thanks to my dear Rebecca for creating a wonderful experience for me.
Photo: His Excellency Ambassador Telesphore Irambona answers questions raised by the Tehran Times in a ceremony held at the place of Burundi Embassy in Beijing (Photo by Willyfrid Vyamungu)
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