U.S., Israeli regime indignant over IRGC might, top general asserts

April 21, 2024 - 22:16

TEHRAN- Major General Mohammad Hossein Baqeri, the Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces, praised the “might and influence” of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) as the cause of the intense resentment that the U.S., Zionist regime, and their supporters have against the revolutionary force.

In a message on Saturday, Major General Baqeri praised IRGC Commander Major General Hossein Salami on the anniversary of the foundation of the IRGC.

The top commander also stressed that the IRGC’s strength, influence, and resolve to foil the evil plans of the U.S., the Zionist regime, and other regional and international allies are the reasons behind the enmity and animosity felt by the enemies of the Iranian people toward the organization. 

He also praised the Iranian armed forces’ April 13 “Truthful Promise Operation” on Israeli military targets as a brilliant punitive action against the criminal and fraudulent Zionist regime.

The senior general hailed the IRGC for its pivotal role in Iran’s development across multiple domains and for providing support to the Iranian people during difficult times. 

He further stated that the IRGC has served as an inspiration to those who are interested in the Islamic Revolution and has grown into a powerful force capable of opposing Zionism and the hegemonic system’s threats.

The Israeli regime’s bombing on April 1 that targeted seven Iranian military officers and advisors in Syria prompted the IRGC Aerospace Force to unleash tens of missiles and drones in the early hours of April 13.

According to reliable information, Iranian missiles striking Israeli sites represent that the retaliatory operation has been far more effective than anticipated, the commander of the IRGC stated.

Iran Civil Defense assesses nation readiness for possible threats

Iran’s Civil Defense Organization’s second permanent committee meeting took place on Saturday with the aim of assessing the executive bodies’ readiness to counter possible hostile threats.

The committee’s members attended the meeting, which is the second since the year’s beginning and was presided over by General Baqeri.

The secretary of the permanent committee and head of Iran’s Civil Defense Organization, Brigadier General Gholam-Reza Jalali, gave a report on the defensive actions taken by the Iranian executive apparatuses in response to recent regional and national events at the meeting.

For his part, Baqeri demanded that the executive bodies follow the guidelines set forth by the permanent committee in order to preserve and enhance their readiness.

Among the topics that were agreed during the meeting were keeping an eye on the enemy’s cyber activity and taking appropriate defensive action, as well as funding civil defense programs.

Other topics covered at the meeting included reviewing the nation’s civil defense goals for the executive bodies and exchanging agreements; the approval of these items was pushed to the next meeting.

The chief of staff of the Iranian Armed Forces presides over the permanent committee of Iran’s Civil Defense Organization, which is the country’s highest decision-making body in the civil defense sector. 

Decisions made by this committee are legally binding on all governmental, non-governmental, and military entities.

Iran’s infrastructure has lately been the target of many cyberattacks, especially after the country-wide riots in September 2022 that were supported by foreign powers.

The Islamic Republic has managed to thwart many of those attempting to disrupt public services.

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