A failed attempt

April 20, 2024 - 22:27

TEHRAN - In an analysis, Kayhan discussed the failed terrorist operation of the Zionist regime using several small drones against the 8th Air Base of the Army Air Force in Isfahan.

It wrote: This failed operation has shown the depth of this regime's bragging against Iran. The Zionist regime tried to create terror and fear in Iran with intense psychological and media warfare against our country during the days after the proud operation of the "True Promise". The media of this regime and the officials of the Israeli army as well as the war cabinet of this fake regime tried to create a psychological atmosphere by threatening to attack Iran. Although this threat seemed ridiculous in the eyes of public opinion and did not have the slightest impact on the level of the Iranian nation, Iran's deterrent power caused the Western supporters of the Zionist regime to repeatedly warn the leaders of this regime against any operation against Iran. In such a situation, on the one hand, the Israeli war cabinet was under pressure from the radical Zionists to respond to the attack on our country, and on the other hand, this regime was facing the fear of Iran's deterrent power, as well as repeated threats from the officials and high-ranking commanders of our country.

Iran: Valid equation, new region

In a note, the Iran newspaper pointed out the new conditions created in the region by Iran and said: The failure of the attacks of the Zionist regime on Friday morning and the apparent strength of the defense of the Islamic Republic of Iran showed that not only the new equation formed in the region after the strong offensive in the True Promise operation will not change, but that equation will be stabilized and more valid. The failed operation of the Zionists was another blow to their prestige. The failure of Friday morning's operation will further involve the Zionists in the prestige trap, and make the countries of the region more convinced in the new order that this regime cannot even provide security and deterrence for itself. Iran's strategic defense following the implementation of the "True Promise" operation was a surprising strategy to show Israel and its Western allies that threats, sanctions, or war have no effect and that it is Iran that determines the course of medium and long-term developments, where, with the support of its field ability, it shares its diplomatic ideas to solve the historical conflict of Palestine in international circles with other countries, and it has shown itself ready to support the resistance front in the wake of the Al-Aqsa Storm.

Siasat-e-Rooz: The inevitability of the West

Siasat-e-Rooz devoted its editorial to the crisis of the West in the West Asia region. It wrote: The conditions of West Asia have changed and there is no way to go back. The hegemony of the West has collapsed and can no longer be rebuilt. Israel suffered 100% damage and Israel can not be like before October 7 and April 14. The West and the Arabs were placed in the weakest historical position among their nations. During this period, the balances were messed up, the equations were changed and unprecedented strategic shifts were formed in the region and the world, and a new definition of power emerged. For sure, none of these phenomena are reversible. If in the past, the West did not have an accurate assessment in accepting this definite reality and sought to change West Asia with various projects for decades, today they have neither the ability to fight nor the ability to influence events that are constantly undergoing strategic and environmental changes. Therefore, we have been able to disrupt all the equations of one of the biggest empires in the most complicated historical conditions of human life, and make them face the most difficult conditions in various dimensions.

Javan: The bubble of prestige has burst!

Javan addressed the ridiculous attack of Israel on Iran and wrote: The ridiculous attack of the Israelis and the anger of their commanders showed that a small drone should have made a bubble and the media should have distended it, but this did not happen. America for a hundred years and Israel for seven decades have never faced a real military force. This attack was more of a bubble that burst sooner than a credible threat. The clear message that the enemy must have understood is that the strategy of the Islamic Republic of Iran has now changed from defensive to "offensive-defensive" and as the senior defense commanders and responsible officials have emphasized, it is time to fight. The Islamic Republic of Iran, abandoning "strategic patience", will give decisive and multiple responses to any military action of the enemy from now on. Therefore, the response of the country's air defense emphasized the defense readiness that Iran's land is unsafe for any attacker.

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