Iran says does not aim to escalate regional tension

April 15, 2024 - 21:45

TEHRAN – Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesperson has underscored Iran's commitment to upholding international standards and laws while emphasizing its efforts to prevent further escalation of tensions in the region.

During his weekly press conference on Monday, Nasser Kanaani addressed Iran's recent actions against the Zionist regime. He highlighted that Iran's response was deemed “necessary and proportionate,” with a focus on military targets aimed at deterring and punishing aggressors.

The assault on Israel, launched late Saturday, involved over 300 projectiles, including drones, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles. This retaliatory action followed repeated warnings from Tehran after Israel’s April 1 attack on Iran embassy, which claimed the lives of at least seven, including two high-ranking officials of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC).

Speaking to reporters, Kanaani reiterated Iran's commitment to international standards and laws, emphasizing the attack's alignment with Iran's inherent right to self-defense under the United Nations charter. 

Kanaani highlighted that Tehran had issued necessary warnings before the assault, and Iran's armed forces operated with professionalism, logic, and responsibility.

Describing Iran as a "security-creating power," Kanaani emphasized Tehran's expectation for logical and responsible responses from Washington and European countries. He urged these countries to acknowledge the legitimacy and rationale behind Iran's actions. 

Kanaani also stressed the importance of recognizing Iran's restraint in recent months and its responsible approach to maintaining regional security and stability.

Meanwhile, casualties continue to mount in Gaza, with over 33,000 fatalities, including more than 13,000 children, since Israel's deadly campaign against Palestine began on October 7. The UN Human Rights Council passed a non-binding resolution on April 5, urging countries to halt weapon sales to Israel to prevent further rights violations in Gaza.

In late March, the Security Council demanded an immediate ceasefire in Israel's offensive on Gaza for the remainder of the holy month of Ramadan, but Israel declined to comply. Kanaani voiced Iran's support for both resolutions, viewing them as international acknowledgment of the Israeli regime's "terrorist nature."

In response to the UN Security Council's recent session on Iran's reaction to the Zionist regime's assault, Kanaani highlighted a lack of political achievements for the Zionist regime.

Regarding the recent seizure of an Israeli ship by Iran in the Strait of Hormuz, the spokesperson underscored Iran's commitment to safeguarding its national interests by monitoring all traffic in the vital waterway to prevent sovereignty infringements.

Emphasizing Iran's adherence to international laws, the spokesperson reiterated the country’s stance on upholding freedom of navigation. “Iran remains dedicated to defending maritime freedom based on global regulations,” Kanaani added.

Confirming the ship's ownership as belonging to the Zionist regime, the senior Iranian diplomat noted ongoing investigations by relevant authorities into its specifics.

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