IRGC warns of repercussions for Zionist regime's actions

April 7, 2024 - 22:24

TEHRAN - The spokesman for the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has stated that the "stupidity of the Zionist regime for its violent act will definitely result in a regrettable punishment," echoing the emphasis of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution.

Brigadier General Ramezan Sharif delivered remarks on Monday, stating that the "fake authority of the Zionists was destroyed with the Al-Aqsa Storm Operation," emphasizing that this event marked a turning point, signifying the fall of the "infamous child-killing regime" and the rise of Palestinian fighters' authority.

Speaking at a commemoration ceremony for martyrs in Ahwaz, General Ramezan Sharif revealed that Brigadier General Zahedi, 48 hours before his martyrdom, told his comrades that the best outcome he could hope for was "meeting with martyr Hajj Qassem Soleimani."

Elsewhere in his remarks, the general addressed the situation in Gaza. He acknowledged the "very difficult conditions" faced by the Gazan people. However, he highlighted that despite these hardships, their "reliance on God, clinging to the Quran, and the resilient and self-sacrificing spirit of the fighters of Hamas and other resistance groups have upended all the enemy's calculations."

He further noted that "Zionists, with their media empire, have tried to portray the slogans of Quds Day as irrelevant." However, he countered that "people worldwide understood the importance of Quds Day this year more than ever before."

"In the last 45 years, Quds Day was primarily celebrated in Islamic countries," the general observed. "This year, however, we witnessed a surge of people in various cities worldwide taking to the streets to condemn the Zionist regime."

General Sharif concluded by criticizing the contradictions and hypocrisy of the United States. "On the one hand," he said, "America sends weapons and ammunition, military equipment, and weaponry to the poor Zionist regime. On the other hand, it sends food supplies to the people of Gaza by air."

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