Iranians’ involvement in elections thwarts nation’s adversaries :MP

March 17, 2024 - 19:37

TEHRAN – A member of Iranian Parliament has asserted that the nation has disheartened adversaries by actively participating in the recent elections.

Farhad Bashiri, a representative from Pakdasht, emphasized the responsibility of both the Islamic Consultative Assembly and the administration to address citizens' concerns, particularly focusing on economic matters.

He highlighted the consistent and extensive involvement of the people in various spheres, including rallies and elections. He emphasized the pivotal role of citizen engagement in shaping the nation's destiny, noting its positive impact across security, social, cultural, and political domains.

Bashiri also pointed out the nefarious attempts by certain groups to dissuade people from voting, despite their failure in the face of widespread public participation. 

He underscored the urgent need for officials to address citizens' grievances and formulate a comprehensive economic strategy to strengthen the national currency. Bashiri urged both the parliament and the administration to take decisive actions to underscore the importance of citizen participation in the electoral process.

MP highlights officials’ greater responsibility amid high voter turnout

Another parliament member, Ali Babaei, underscored the invaluable asset of Iran's well-educated populace. He emphasized that officials now face an augmented duty with the upsurge in voter engagement, urging them to inspire hope within society.

He observed, "The public has unequivocally rejected any efforts to suppress voter turnout or impede participation in the elections." 

He further stated, "The people have consistently been the bedrock of our nation, readily responding to the call of the Leader of Islamic Revolution. Their robust involvement in the electoral process reaffirms this. Hence, it is imperative for officials to recognize and appreciate the people's role, acknowledging that the presence of an educated and respected populace is Iran's greatest asset."

The Iranian lawmaker highlighted, "The electorate has exhibited heightened enthusiasm during this election cycle." He added, "Given these circumstances, it is our responsibility as officials to foster optimism across the nation. We must prioritize addressing people's concerns and rectifying any shortcomings to alleviate public dissatisfaction.”

Iran’s Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi revealed that the turnout for the March 1 parliamentary elections stood at 41%, with approximately 25 million individuals participating, including a 5% count of blank votes. He also announced that the second round of elections is scheduled to take place in early spring.

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