Washington renews Iran's sanctions waivers

March 15, 2024 - 19:11

TEHRAN - In a note, Kayhan dealt with the report of the Washington Free Beacon news site about Iran and wrote: A group of Republican lawmakers in the United States say that Joe Biden plans to issue a new sanctions waiver to Iran that would allow the country to access more than $10 billion of its blocked assets in foreign banks due to U.S. sanctions.

But this group of Republican lawmakers are worried that this waiver from sanctions will be renewed. They want the Biden administration to provide information on the amount of Iran's cash in the months after lifting sanctions. The waiver allows Iraq to transfer payments for electricity imports from Iran to foreign accounts that Tehran can use. The State Department insists that the funds can only be used for humanitarian purposes, such as food and medicine, but critics point out that the money is portable and that Tehran can use it for other purposes.

Javan: Israel's false dream

In a commentary, Javan discussed the ridiculous claim of Israeli analyst Mordechai Kedar about the disintegration of Iran and said: This Israeli analyst and former military intelligence officer of this regime wished to incite ethnic differences and divide Iran into 5 or 6 countries. He claimed that if various ethnic groups in Iran unite to overthrow the Iranian government, the Islamic Republic of Iran will fall and Iran's nuclear program will join the dustbin of history. Kedar claimed that if this happens, the threat of Hezbollah, Hamas, and Iran's supporting groups in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen will disappear quickly, and the probability that Israel and the Middle East will live in peace and security will increase, and the world will become a better and safer place. The truth of the matter is that the U.S. and Israel's plans for separatism in Iran have always failed in the past few decades, and now they consider the disintegration of our country as the only way and the best solution to destroy Iran's nuclear program.

Shargh: Iran, Russia, and China have decommissioned American aircraft carriers

In an article, Shargh discussed the increase of Iran's capabilities in the military field and wrote: The American publication National Interest considered the increase of Iran's capabilities in acquiring and upgrading cheaper and more spreadable weapons as the end of the era of American aircraft carriers. Referring to the increasing capabilities of America's competitors, including Iran, China, and Russia, this publication considered aircraft carriers to be strategically inefficient due to their low maneuverability and high costs. The U.S. Navy and Congress continue to spend taxpayer dollars on aircraft carriers. At the same time, with each passing year, the aircraft carrier becomes less effective thanks to the proliferation of regional deterrence technologies that America's rivals (China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea) are using. The absence of these aircraft carriers will create a big gap in America's strategic capabilities, a gap that America's enemies, such as China, will gladly take advantage of.

Hamshahri: Iran confirmed the exchange of messages with America?!

In an analysis, Hamshahri discussed the possibility of indirect negotiations between Iran and the United States and quoted an informed source as saying: Using the tools of psychological operation to deceive public opinion is part of America's strategy to compensate for its failure in the diplomatic arena. The exchange of messages and indirect talks is only limited to the framework of the sanctions-lifting negotiations, and no message has been exchanged about the developments in the Red Sea. The removal of oppressive sanctions has always been on the priority agenda of the Iranian side, and as it has been stated many times, the exchange of messages with the other parties has continued with the aim of clearly conveying the positions of the Islamic Republic of Iran in this regard. Relying on diverse assets and possessing a strong logic, Iran always prefers dialogue over other options and tries to take advantage of all the tools and opportunities to make the other parties passive in the field and neutralize their influence on international public opinion.

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