Meta closing Leader's social media pages proof falseness of freedom of expression

During the " Iran-Venezuela Cultural Relations" meeting held on Monday, March 11, at the Bolivarian University of Venezuela, Meta's action in removing the pro-Palestinian pages of Imam Khamenei from Instagram and Facebook was condemned in the presence of a number of intellectuals and university professors.
The meeting was held on the anniversary of the unveiling of the book, “Cell No. 14” in Caracas. This book relates the memoirs of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution. During the ceremony, the messages of Mr. Ernesto Villegas, the Minister of Culture of Venezuela, and Dr. Esmaili, the Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance of the Islamic Republic of Iran, were read.
In his message, Mr. Ernesto Villegas Poljak conveyed his warm greetings to the Iranian nation and emphasized the importance of the right of nations to have independent sovereignty and to defend their own culture and traditions. He stated, "We are dedicated to upholding our people's right to independent sovereignty and shaping an independent future, while safeguarding the characteristics of our culture in a world that celebrates diversity and that respects all cultures equally."
In his remarks during this ceremony, Dr. Esmaili spoke of the anniversary of the Leader’s note to the Spanish-speakers which was published in the Spanish translation of the book “Cell No. 14." He described these events as being a cause for friendship between the justice-seeking nations of Iran and Venezuela and emphasized an interest in an expansion of cultural relations between the two countries.
In the continuation of his address in this ceremony, Dr. Esmaili referred to the recent bitter events in Gaza. He accused those who claim to be human rights advocates, led by the US, of being the common enemies of justice-seeking nations. He said they deal with their opponents using sanctions, assassinations, and censorship.
Iran’s Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance spoke about the removal of pro-Palestinian content by those who claim to advocate human rights. “Freedom of expression seems to only be allowed as long as one does not criticize their oppressive policies. The recent closure of the informational pages belonging to Iran’s Leader, Imam Khamenei, the hero of the book ‘Cell No. 14,’ following his decisive support for the oppressed people of Palestine and his condemnation of the Zionist regime that has the backing of the US, is a clear testimony to this matter,” he stressed.
In his concluding remarks, Dr. Esmaili expressed hope and optimism for the nations and governments of Iran and Venezuela. He acknowledged the shared experiences of injustice that both nations have faced, and he emphasized a belief in a future where the oppressed and the downtrodden will triumph over their oppressors.
During the meeting, Professor Edgar Figueroa, a researcher at the Bolivarian and Ramon Madero National University and head of the Segundo Paso Foundation, spoke about the cultural relations between Iran and Venezuela. He emphasized the importance of cultural interaction as a means of resistance and a means of fostering close relationships between the people of countries seeking justice.
It is important to mention that the book "Cell No. 14," the Spanish translation of Imam Khamenei’s autobiography, was unveiled at the Iran-Venezuela Culture and Friendship Exhibition last year. It has been well received by Spanish-speaking people and has now reached its sixth edition. In a note addressed to the Spanish-speaking people, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution emphasized the importance of justice-seeking nations coming together and getting to know one another.
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