Global bodies show double standards in helping Iran deal with disasters

March 6, 2024 - 15:19

TEHRAN –International organizations have failed to support the crisis management organization and crisis-affected areas in the last few years, showing a double standard toward Iran, the head of Crisis Management Organization has said.

Referring to the frequent meetings with the representatives of international organizations, Mohammad-Hasan Nami said, “Although Iran is considered to be one of the disaster-prone areas of the world, we have not received any help from international organizations,” IRNA reported.

He went on to state that international organizations are known to have good capacities in the field of crisis management, but the performance of these organizations is affected by the domination system so their claims do not match their behavior.

He emphasized that international organizations and institutions, like Western countries, display double standards and ignore all their duties in practice.

Zero foreign aid

Within recent decades, Iran has been grappling with many different crises such as earthquakes, floods, storms, and droughts, but the international assistance in times of crisis has gradually decreased over the past several years, reaching zero now, Nami further said.

There are many institutions for alleviating deprivation, managing crises, and helping people in disaster-hit areas in Iran, and international institutions can fulfill their duties via these local mechanisms.

Iran’s potential in dealing with natural disasters

In 2022, Stefan Priesner, the United Nations Resident Coordinator for Iran, said, “Iran has the potential to deal with natural disasters broadly and the United Nations is willing to document these valuable experiences.”

In case of natural disasters, the United Nations is ready to provide services by forming a permanent working group with representatives of the UN, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Crisis Management Organization, IRNA quoted Priesner as saying.

He made the remarks in a meeting with Nami, suggesting that the two sides should hold meetings every three months for further coordination.

For his part, Nami said all nations have a sense of philanthropy and kindness, but they will face sanctions if they want to provide help. So, this issue should be resolved.

In June 2023, Priesner said the United Nations will use all its power and capacity to assist Iran in dealing with natural hazards by increasing operational performance and improving safety in specialized areas.

“Expressing the desirable capacities of Iran in dealing with natural hazards, he said that we will do everything to assist Iran. In this regard, we can increase operational performance and improve safety in the sector to enhance cooperation.”


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