BRICS initial agreement with Iran's proposals

March 5, 2024 - 22:11

TEHRAN - In a commentary, Kayhan addressed the proposals of the Central Bank of Iran to create alternative mechanisms to SWIFT and FATF.

The newspaper wrote: In the first meeting of the ministers of economy and governors of the central banks of the BRICS in 2024, the proposals of the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran to establish three institutions - "banking messenger independent of SWIFT", "independent anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing institution" and "international credit rating" – was agreed by BRICS members. In fact, these proposals have been put on the agenda of the first meeting of the ministers of economy and heads of the central banks of BRICS and future meetings for discussion and consideration. BRICS countries, as emerging economic powers, definitely need to create a "settlement mechanism" to achieve a unified financial structure among themselves, and Iran can help in this field as well.

Shargh: Discrepancy in nuclear materials has been rectified 

In an article, Shargh pointed to Rafael Grossi's recent claims regarding Iran’s nuclear program in which he said: “On the basis of these reports, the Agency considers, at UCF, the discrepancy in the nuclear material balance to have been rectified.” The IAE director added, “You will note that Iran’s stockpile of enriched uranium continues to increase, even though the level of uranium enriched up to 60% has fallen slightly. Grossi went on to say, “I am seriously concerned that Iran has unilaterally stopped implementing the Joint Statement, which raises doubts that Iran remains committed to what we have agreed.” 

He claims that Iran rejected inspectors based on their nationality. This is while Iran has the right to reject certain inspectors not only before they are appointed, but even after their “designation”. Grossi is trying to politicize the peaceful nuclear program of our country and create a psychological atmosphere against Iran by addressing this issue and ignoring Iran's inalienable rights. Such an approach is in contradiction with the commitment by the Agency according to which it has agreed to fully comply with Iran based on Tehran’s rights based on the Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement (CSA).

Iran: Continuation of the strategy of developing ties with independent countries

In an analysis, the Iran newspaper analyzed President Raisi's visit to Algeria and wrote: Signing cooperation documents, especially with a country that has a long history of fighting against French colonialism and has experienced the sufferings of colonialism, promises to expand and strengthen the front of independent countries against the arrogant powers. However, the nature of holding the meeting of gas exporting countries, without the presence of foreign and Western powers, shows that independent countries could take the path of cooperation without relying on the powers. More than anything else, this trip confirms the fact that independent countries can pursue their independent policy through joint efforts with each other. This is while the expansion of relations with the outside world has been one of the strategies of the 13th (sitting) government in the foreign policy area. Now it seems that with the visit of the president to Algeria, Iran has taken another step to be more active in the African continent.

Arman-e-Melli: The Ukraine and Gaza wars cast shadow over the Iran nuclear talks 

Arman-e-Melli wrote Iran and the United States through indirect talks made progress in Doha regarding the nuclear issue, but with a change in security calculations in the region after the October 7 incident, all negotiations were sidelined. Two important incidents happened in the world that removed the Iran nuclear issue from the U.S. agenda as a priority. America's priorities turned to the battle between Hamas and Israel and the battle between Russia and Ukraine. In Ukraine, the fake story of Iran's export of drones to Russia and its use by the Russians in operations against Ukraine angered Europe, and dozens of sanctions were imposed on Tehran in this area and darkened the future of interactions between Iran and Europe that were focused on the nuclear issue. Nevertheless, the Arab countries tried to replace themselves with Europe and Iran and the United States engaged in indirect negotiations on the nuclear issue in Doha until the Al-Aqsa Storm changed the course of these negotiations and it was even reported that the United States had removed these negotiations from the agenda. As a result of these two cases, i.e., the case of Ukraine and the case of Gaza, were able to practically remove the case of returning to the JCPOA from the international agenda under the leadership of the United States.

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