By Maryam Tavassoli

Let's save unique species from the brink of extinction

March 3, 2024 - 15:39

TEHRAN –World Wildlife Day is celebrated annually on March 3 to raise awareness of the multitude of benefits that wildlife conservation provides to people and the significance of preserving endangered species from dying out.

The Day underscores the aesthetic, scientific, economic, ecological, and cultural values of the wildlife, the factors that threaten the species and their habitats, as well as the ways to protect them.

With its climatic and geographic diversity, Iran is one of the most important countries in terms of biodiversity in the world. It encompasses two out of 36 global biodiversity hotspots including Irano-Anatolian and Caucasus hotspots.

More than 8,000, 2,000, and 25,000 species of plants, vertebrates, and invertebrates, respectively, show Iran's rich biodiversity and the importance of its preservation.

Wildlife conservation, which includes protecting all living things on the planet, plant and animal species, and microorganisms, means preserving the components of a large network. A network wherein all the components are interconnected and depend on each other in different ways. 

People everywhere rely on wildlife and biodiversity-based resources to meet their needs - from food, to fuel, medicines, housing, and clothing. By saving wildlife we protect all forms of life on the planet, ourselves, and ultimately maintain the balance of life on the earth.

That’s why in December 2013, the United Nations General Assembly decided to proclaim March 3 as World Wildlife Day to celebrate and raise awareness of the world’s wild fauna and flora. 

Since then, every year a special theme has been chosen to celebrate the occasion; this year's theme is “Connecting People and Planet: Exploring Digital Innovation in Wildlife Conservation," which highlights the potential of technology to advance conservation efforts by offering novel solutions to longstanding conservation challenges. 

It focuses on digital innovation and emphasizes how digital conservation technologies and services can drive wildlife conservation, sustainable and legal wildlife trade, and human-wildlife coexistence. 

Digital technologies, including particular software, drones equipped with artificial intelligence, and trackers, have the power to enhance monitoring and protection efforts. They have helped a lot to protect wildlife in the world and Iran although access to many equipment is difficult in Iran due to sanctions.

While technological advancements have significantly improved various aspects of wildlife conservation, including research, communication, tracking, and DNA analysis, challenges such as uneven access, environmental pollution, and unsustainable technology use impede achieving universal digital inclusion by 2030.

However, World Wildlife Day urges individuals, communities, and governments worldwide to engage in practices that contribute to the sustainability of the planet’s biodiversity.

By improving local communities, private sectors, and individuals’ roles in preserving wildlife along with the help of today's science and technology, we can make sure that ecosystems can thrive and plant and animal species can exist for future generations.

Endangered species

There are many threats to endangered wildlife species, including mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and birds.

Habitat destruction, fragmentation, and modification caused by human-led activities such as industrial and residential development, logging, crop farming, livestock grazing, mining, road and dam building, and pesticide use have taken an extreme toll on threatened and endangered wildlife populations at an alarming rate.

Currently, about 128 species of animals and vertebrates in the country are at risk of extinction, some of which are not in good condition, and amphibians are the most vulnerable in this area.
Persian zebra, Asiatic cheetah, black bear, and yellow deer are in danger of extinction.

Zebras exist in two habitats in Iran; one is in the Turan protected area in the south of Semnan province, where there are about 250 zebras, and the other is in the Bahramgur protected area in the southeast of Fars province, where 1,200 zebras are kept.

The Persian zebra population is estimated to be around 1,500, although the zebra is considered an endangered species according to both national and international regulations.

Asiatic cheetah ranks second among Iran's endangered species. Including the cheetahs that have probably not been identified, the population of this species in Iran is estimated to be below 30.
Persian yellow deer is also one of the most important species in the world. According to the list provided by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, these deer are in the EN category and the red list, which is considered to be in danger of extinction.

The deer have been released in a limited number of habitats in "Ashk" Island, West Azarbaijan province, and "Dez" National Park, Khuzestan province.

They are also kept in reproduction and breeding centers in Ilam, Yazd, Fars, West Azarbaijan, and Mazandaran provinces.

Asian black bear, which is known as the Baluchi black bear, is another endangered species in the country. It lives mainly in forest areas, especially in mountainous areas at altitudes of 500 to 2,700 meters, and is found in Kerman, Hormozgan, and Sistan-Baluchestan provinces in very low quantities.

Conservation efforts

In the last few years, protecting animal species in their original habitat has been considered one of the main tasks of the Department of Environment (DOE).

The DOE has formed four ad hoc committees for the preservation of imperiled animal species.  

Several meetings and consultations have been held with some other countries to benefit from their scientific and experimental capacities in the preservation of species such as the Asiatic cheetah, the great bustard, the leopard, and houbara bustard.

Holding several workshops and training courses on getting to know reptiles and amphibians, leopards, aquatic animals, and existing challenges, as well as diagnosing their diseases and ways to prevent them, are among other important measures that have been taken. 

Also, the number of protected areas has increased to 309, Asiatic cheetah and yellow deer are two examples of endangered species in protected areas. 

With the cooperation of the private sector, the DOE plans to expand the Persian cheetah habitat within the protected area of Turan, northcentral Semnan province. 

Also known as the Asiatic cheetah, the animal is an endangered species whose territory is currently limited to some parts of Iran and its number is dangerously low.

The Department of Environment also plans to increase the number of prey and rangers in these areas. 

To protect this species in the habitat, several measures have been taken so far. As a result, the number of cheetahs has increased and some have also been observed in areas outside Turan's protected area.

Moreover, the DOE has placed priority on increasing the variety and number of prey in Turan and its marginal habitats. Deer, ram, sheep, and rabbits are among the main prey.

Increasing the number of rangers in the Turan protected area and other habitats around it to ensure the security of the cheetahs is the other measure taken by the DOE.

Educational programs provided to people in surrounding villages and other areas are among other steps taken to protect the Persian cheetah.

The number of yellow deer in the Arsanjan breeding center, southern Fars province, has increased by 30 percent over the past year

In the latest census, 95 yellow deer were identified in the region, showing an increase of 30 percent year on year.

Measuring some 300 hectares, the Arsanjan breeding center was launched in 2011 with seven yellow deer.

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