Dr. Mohammad Ali Senobari

Russia's Strategic Moves to Dismantle American Imperialism

March 2, 2024 - 22:30

TEHRAN- In recent years, geopolitical dynamics have underscored a significant shift in the balance of power and the strategies employed by global powers to assert their influence and manage conflicts.

At the heart of this transformation is the deleterious role the United States has played in perpetuating conflicts, coupled with its tendency towards moral and political decline, which is projected to precipitate the dismantling of American hegemony and imperialism in the foreseeable future. Meanwhile, Russia, under the leadership of Putin, is progressively positioning itself to challenge this paradigm, advocating for a new world order in which the United States, Israel, and their allies are marginalized.

The situation in Gaza has emerged as a focal point of international scrutiny, with the United States and Russia adopting divergent stances. The United States has encountered criticism for its role in obstructing efforts to establish a humanitarian truce, whereas Russia has asserted itself as a proponent of ceasefire initiatives, repeatedly proposing draft resolutions aimed at terminating the aggression against Gaza. Nonetheless, these endeavors have been met with American opposition and the unethical employment of its veto power to support the Israeli offensive. This stance has contributed to the political isolation of the United States and Israel in the context of Gaza, as a vast majority has supported ceasefire resolutions, while the United States has singularly thwarted three resolutions through its veto authority. This distinction transcends mere rhetoric, reflecting a deeper divergence in conflict resolution methodologies, with historical evidence pointing to a persistent American inclination towards exacerbating crimes, prolonging wars, and intensifying conflicts.

The United States has exercised its veto power in the Security Council a total of 89 times since 1945. This veto power has functioned as an American strategy to protect Israel, with the United States using it on more than 46 occasions (over 50%) to defend Israel and endorse its crimes in the United Nations. The first instance of the United States using its veto power in favor of Israel occurred in September 1972, when it vetoed a resolution that demanded Israel cease its aggression in Lebanon. Subsequently, the United States has recurrently employed its veto to block resolutions criticizing Israel. Between 1982 and 1990, the United States used its veto power to support Israel 21 times. Since 2001, the veto has been used in Israel's favor 17 times.

The resolutions thwarted by the United States predominantly aimed to establish a peace framework for the protracted Israeli-Palestinian conflict, insisted on Israel's compliance with international laws, advocated for the self-determination of the Palestinian state, condemned Israel for displacing Palestinians and constructing settlements in occupied Palestinian territories, and addressed issues concerning the cessation of aggression. This includes occupying southern Lebanon and rejecting the occupation of the Syrian Golan region.

The utilization of its veto power by the United States in the Security Council to impede ceasefire calls is perceived as a hindrance to peace efforts. In contrast, Russia's endorsement of halting hostilities aligns with its comprehensive appeal to resolve the Palestinian issue. Unlike the American-European stance, Russian President Vladimir Putin did not denounce the Hamas attack on October 7, understanding it as a last resort for Hamas following Israel and the United States' attempts to dismiss the Palestinian cause and Israel's repeated transgressions in Jerusalem, the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and the West Bank.

Putin has also personally endeavored to host Palestinian factions in Russia repeatedly. The most recent effort was Russia's invitation to various Palestinian factions (Hamas, Fatah, and Islamic Jihad) for an inter-Palestinian dialogue aimed at achieving historical reconciliation. It appears the Palestinian parties have expressed their willingness to engage in dialogue in response to Russia's invitation at the end of this month, trusting President Putin and Russia to play a crucial and significant role. Conversely, the United States has consistently sought to exacerbate Palestinian internal divisions, evidenced by the U.S. House of Representatives passing legislation to expand the prohibition on the entry of Palestine Liberation Organization officials into the United States, as well as members of the Hamas and Islamic Jihad movements.

Regarding the transformation of humanitarian aid into a tool of American coercion, it is critical to note that the United States has chosen to collectively punish the Palestinian people. This punitive American strategy is primarily evident through the cessation of financial contributions to UNRWA. Furthermore, the United States has exerted considerable pressure on European nations, encouraging them to cease their financial support. This action by the United States generates significant concern, as it adversely affects UNRWA's capability to deliver essential services and support to Palestinian refugees. Additionally, the stringent measures adopted by the United States are predicated on a series of unfounded accusations against UNRWA.

On the other hand, Russia, China, and Iran have adopted a cooperative approach to enhance their support for various United Nations organizations actively engaged in Palestine and the Gaza Strip. Their objective is to mitigate the severe humanitarian crisis prevailing in these regions. This joint resolution underscores their dedication to bolstering international endeavors aimed at delivering relief and backing to the Palestinian populace affected by the crisis.

Regarding Ukraine, the United States has leveraged the situation to further its strategic interests against Russia, notably by providing military and political support to Ukraine, thereby intensifying tensions with Russia. For years, the United States has advocated for the expansion of NATO towards the Russian border, a move that Russia and President Vladimir Putin have consistently opposed due to the perceived threat to Russia's national security. Russia has advocated for a peaceful resolution that involves diminishing NATO's footprint along its borders as a means to de-escalate tensions. However, the United States has dismissed peaceful resolutions. To grasp the complexities of this issue, consider a hypothetical scenario: Would the United States tolerate Russia or China exerting military and political influence over Mexico, which shares a border with the United States?

Putin has resorted to conducting limited military operations against neo-Nazis in Ukraine, a stance that has vexed the United States, which regards Ukraine as a crucial NATO ally and a bulwark of Western interests against Russia. Pressured by the United States, Ukrainian President Zelensky has spurned all proposals for peace and cessation of hostilities, aiming to serve Western and American objectives. Despite the United States having provided, and continuing to provide, tens of billions of dollars in support to Ukraine, Ukrainian forces have experienced successive defeats in combat. The United States seems to have left Ukraine's leader and its citizenry to bear the brunt of the conflict independently, signaling either a retraction of support or the provision of inadequate assistance to counter Russian military actions.

Russia's initiation of special military operations to secure its borders was accompanied by stringent measures to protect civilians in Ukraine, with efforts made to avoid causing harm. This is reflected in the numbers and statistics reported by the United Nations Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine, which indicated that 10,378 civilians, including 579 children and 2,992 women, were killed, and 19,632 others were injured. Since the onset of the conflict in early 2022, a total of 8,095 deaths have been recorded on Ukrainian soil, suggesting that Ukraine's indiscriminate bombings in areas under its control may have contributed to these civilian casualties. In comparison, over a span of just four months, the number of women and children who perished in Gaza due to Israeli and American offensives was six times the number of women and children’s casualties in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict over two years. Israel deployed over 66,000 tons of explosives in its assault on Gaza, averaging 183 tons of explosives per square kilometer. The onslaught left Gaza in ruins, displacing 1.9 million Palestinians. Israeli attacks resulted in 29,692 Palestinian casualties, including at least 12,660 children and 8,570 women, with approximately 70,000 others injured, over 70% of whom were women and children.

After two years of provocation and involvement in the conflict, Europe and the United States appear utterly ineffectual against Putin's Russia. Consequently, from the outset, they resorted to implementing economic sanctions, a tactic that primarily affects civilians and is considered a colonialist strategy. Despite these sanctions, Putin's economic strategy proved effective, notably in forging new markets such as those in China, countering the sanctions through economic self-reliance, applying pressure on Europe regarding oil and gas supplies, and bolstering cooperation with Iran and several Asian nations. This very strategy led the United States to sabotage the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, aiming to subject Europe to American will and directives. The sanctions extended beyond the economic realm, encompassing, in an unethical manner, the cultural and sports sectors by banning Russian literature from being taught in European and American universities and curtailing the freedom of expression for Russians through various unethical Western practices.

Russian alliances, particularly with Iran, have significantly shifted the dynamics of conflict. Iran's military support for Russia, especially in the production and export of advanced military technology, is perceived as a pivotal change in military engagements. This shift has the potential to alter the course of conflicts not only in Ukraine but also in broader geopolitical rivalries with the United States and its allies globally.

The effective Russian-Iranian cooperation and alliance in Syria against the United States and the extremist groups it supports was very successful, and this alliance thwarted the plans of the United States and its terrorist allies who wanted to overthrow the Syrian state and punish the Syrian people for their historical support for the Palestinian cause. While Russia and Iran, in collaboration with the Syrian army, combated takfiri groups in Syria, such as the Al-Nusra Front, ISIS, and other extremist factions, the United States' allies divided roles in this conflict against the Syrian populace. The United States and Europe backed these groups by supplying weapons and financial aid, while Israel offered logistical support, such as evacuating injured members of these groups for medical treatment in Israel or even conducting strikes against the Syrian army to deter it from overcoming the extremist factions.

These actions by the United States, perceived as betrayals to its allies and friends, have prompted European and Arab countries, formerly aligned with America, to reassess this unreliable partnership. This reassessment is openly observed in the stances of Arab nations, which are gradually shifting towards Russia and the Eastern Axis. These former allies have contested American positions on conflicts in Gaza and Ukraine, with some European countries like Spain, Belgium, Switzerland, and others concluding that the unethical American alliance is on a path to dissolution and that the balance of power is shifting in favor of emerging powers such as Iran and Russia.

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