Hamas demands international probe into Israel’s abuse of Palestinian women

February 20, 2024 - 22:43

The Palestinian Hamas resistance movement has demanded an international investigation into reports that Israeli forces have “arbitrarily detained, sexually abused, and executed Palestinian women and girls in the Gaza Strip”, Anadolu News Agency reported.

On Monday, seven independent UN rights experts also called for an independent probe into Israeli abuses against Palestinian women and girls, including killings, rapes and sexual assault.

In a statement issued on the Hamas telegram channel, it said that the call by the UN experts is “additional evidence of the crime of genocide and ethnic cleansing committed by the [Israeli] occupation led by the war criminal [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu and his Nazi army against our Palestinian people.”

Hamas pointed out that, “The violations that Palestinian women are exposed to by the [Israeli] occupation army, such as executions, arbitrary arrests, severe beatings and deprivation of food and medicine during detention, in addition to the threats of rape and insults during interrogation, require the opening of an international investigation to hold this rogue entity and its leaders accountable for their brutal crimes.”

The movement called for the UN report to be included in the genocide case filed against Israel before the International Court of Justice.

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