By Ali Karbalaei

U.S. plans to ship "thousands" of bombs to Israel

February 18, 2024 - 22:16
Washington's double standards are on full display as Biden publicly claims Israel’s action in Gaza has "been over the top"

TEHRAN-Reports have emerged that the United States is planning to send thousands of more bombs to the Israeli military to drop on Gaza despite huge international outcry over the regime's indiscriminate use of force against the Palestinians.

The Israeli military with "plausible genocidal" intent has dropped so many bombs on what has been described as a "concentration camp" that it has almost depleted its arms caches against the Palestinians. 

Against the rising wave of international pressure on the regime to cease fire and allow critical humanitarian aid to enter the coastal enclave, the administration of U.S. President Joe Biden has recently put on a PR campaign in front of the cameras to save Washington's own image amid a looming Israeli military invasion into Rafah, where some 1.4 million Palestinian refugees are sheltering. 

Biden has publicly claimed the Israeli military action in Gaza has "been over the top". 

In telephone calls with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the White House claims Biden has told the premier that he should not proceed with the military invasion of Rafah without a credible and executable plan to protect Palestinian civilians. 

The U.S. calls of apparent concern over Palestinian lives appear to be aimed at misguiding the public that the White House is worried about the crisis in Gaza. 

The office of Netanyahu claims it is working on plans to evacuate civilians from Rafah before invading the city, despite UN agencies warning this is an impossible task because the displaced people in Rafah have nowhere else to go.

It has now come to light that the Israeli military actually needs more weapons before it can invade Rafah, with the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reporting that the U.S. plans to provide those weapons to the regime. 

The WSJ says Washington is preparing to deliver thousands of bombs and other weapons to the Israeli military even as the White House has expressed concern over the Israeli army’s indiscriminate attacks on civilians while allegedly pushing for a ceasefire as well. 

Citing current and former U.S. officials, the American news publication said, "The proposed arms delivery includes roughly a thousand each of MK-82 bombs, KMU-572 Joint Direct Attack Munitions, and FMU-139 bomb fuses". 

It is estimated to be worth tens of millions of dollars, which would be paid from the U.S. military aid to Tel Aviv, at the expense of American taxpayer's money. 

A U.S. official told the WSJ that a "proposed delivery is still being reviewed internally by the administration" and "the details of the proposal could change before the Biden administration notifies congressional committee leaders who would need to approve the transfer." 
These measures can move very quickly when Capitol Hill wants them to, and follows a U.S. intelligence assessment that acknowledged Hamas is far from being defeated. 

The U.S. is already Israel's number one arms supplier but the support for Tel Aviv, both militarily and diplomatically, has hit a new high since October 7, with Washington moving military assets to the region, including aircraft carriers while shipping a vast amount of military aid to the regime in its bombardment of Gaza. 

As America calls on the regime to be careful during its military strikes against Palestinians (in the public eye), it seems that privately the White House has a different agenda that is very much closely tied to that of Tel Aviv. 

America has been accused by experts of leading the Israeli war on Gaza, where many war crimes have been committed. The latest planned shipment of weapons adds further weight to this argument.

Analysts believe the U.S. doesn't care for the nearly 30,000 civilians killed in the most densely populated territory on the planet, or the nearly 70,000 others who have been injured, or even the majority of Gaza's civilians been displaced. 

This is reflected in the fact that America itself has committed the same heinous practices and war crimes in the countries that the U.S. military has invaded in the West Asia region.

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