All regional forces should focus on containing Israel: Amal tells Tehran Times

February 18, 2024 - 22:21

TEHRAN – Israel is like a cancer tumor that would metastasize to every corner of West Asia if not reined in, Salah Fahs, the representative of the Lebanese Amal Movement in Tehran told the Tehran Times on Sunday.

“Israel’s ultimate wish is to see the entire region in shambles. No country will be immune from Israeli aggression once the regime manages to expel Palestinians from their lands. That’s why all factions in West Asia should gear towards containing this killing machine,” Fahs emphasized. 

The Amal movement is one of the first resistance fronts formed against Israel in West Asia. “7,000 of our members were martyred during Israel’s invasion of Lebanon in 1982. We would do it all over again if the regime decides to carry out something similar,” the representative warned.

Israel has been threatening to launch a large-scale offensive into Lebanon parallel to its deadly campaign in Gaza. The regime killed four members of the Amal movement during strikes on southern Lebanon on Friday. 

Fahs also commented on his group’s relationship with other Lebanese factions, saying all groups in the Arab country are focused on protecting their nation. “We work alongside Hezbollah. They help us greatly thanks to their vast and sophisticated arsenal and manpower”. 

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