Over 100 parties, 20 coalitions assert readiness for upcoming election

February 17, 2024 - 21:48

TEHRAN- 103 parties and 20 electoral coalitions have declared their readiness for the forthcoming late winter election, announced Iranian Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi. 

Minister Vahidi further revealed that several other coalitions are also gearing up for participation.

In a statement released on Saturday, Minister Vahidi emphasized the significance of robust engagement in the electoral process and underscored the importance of a high voter turnout. 

He stressed that while individual candidates are noteworthy, it is the strength of their plans and ideas that truly matter.

During a conference held on Friday, Vahidi commended the qualification of an impressive 15,000 candidates. He highlighted the diverse backgrounds of the candidates, noting that among them are 1,100 professors, 250 doctors, 1,700 teachers, 400 judges, and 1,700 women, showcasing the breadth of expertise and representation within the pool of qualified candidates.

Back in early February, the Constitutional Council's spokesperson, Hadi Tahan Nazif, officially confirmed the approval of over 750 candidates for the upcoming parliamentary election.

He stated that a comprehensive evaluation process resulted in the qualification of a total of 14,200 candidates, with the final week focusing on scrutinizing appeal files.

Tahan Nazif emphasized that the names of these qualified candidates will be promptly communicated to the Interior Minister, and the Constitutional Council is set to conclude its evaluation by February 8.

In addition to the parliamentary candidates, Tahan Nazif addressed the ongoing evaluation of Assembly of Experts candidates, indicating that their appeals will be assessed until February 7. 

He assured that any changes in the results would be communicated to the candidates promptly. The Constitutional Council remains dedicated to ensuring a thorough and transparent process ahead of the upcoming elections.

Mohammadreza Shahcheraghi, deputy minister of interior for political affairs and the head of election headquarters, said around 59,000 polling stations will be opened on the day of elections and nearly 800,000 people will be involved in holding the elections.

He added that parliamentary elections will be competitive throughout the country.
Legislative elections will be held on March 1.  

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