Cultural heritage ministry participates in 22 Bahman rallies in Tehran

February 11, 2024 - 18:36

TEHRAN – The Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Tourism, and Handicrafts fervently marked the 45th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution of 1979 in a simultaneous tribute alongside the grand procession on the 22nd day of the month of Bahman on the Persian calendar (11th of February).

Transforming Azadi Street into a hub of celebration, the Ministry orchestrated an array of cultural and artistic programs, engaging diverse communities and march participants.

Mehr News Agency reports that the Ministry's strategic location along the main route of the February 11th procession served as a focal point for commemorating the Revolution's victory. The vibrantly adorned booths played host to cultural competitions themed around revolution heritage, enticing the February 11th marchers with enticing prizes for the winners.

Adding to the festive ambiance, Iranian ethnic music groups and choir singers graced the booths with spirited performances. The Ministry's celebration encompassed a handicrafts booth featuring skilled artisans and their craft, a Basij booth representing civic volunteers, and an engaging children's booth where young talents explored artistic pursuits like painting and pottery. Another booth distributed cultural items while spotlighting tourist attractions and historical-cultural artifacts, showcasing the Ministry's commitment to honoring the legacy of the Islamic Revolution.

As the central building of the Ministry is positioned along the procession's main route, many participants in the February 11th procession found solace and reverence as they observed their midday and afternoon prayers in the Ministry's dedicated prayer rooms.

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