America's anti-Iran project was destroyed by the Gaza war

January 12, 2024 - 21:29

TEHRAN - In a note, Kayhan addressed the failure of Western equations in isolating Iran and wrote: Throughout the region, there is one constant thing, and that is Iran's ability to provide effective financing and to deploy proxy forces, a facility that was made possible by the historical role of the United States in empowering this country through the Iraq war and then failing to control it.

The U.S. government thought it was finalizing the project of normalizing relations between Israel and the Arab countries and isolating Iran, but the October 7 attack by Hamas changed everything. America and Israel hoped for the unity of the Arabs and the normalization of their relationship with Israel, as well as controlling Iran. The hypothesis was that no actor would disrupt the puzzle by moving suddenly. But Hamas struck the first blow and Israel's reactions were not at all similar to the reactions of the actor who is the stabilizing force in the region.

Iran: The forlorn terrorist's attempts under the influence of intelligence-security agencies

In an article, the Iran newspaper discussed the armed attack in Rask by the members of the terrorist group known as "Jaish ul-Adl". It wrote: It is clear that the joint operation of the intelligence, security, and police agencies in Sistan and Baluchestan has been effective in messing up the enemy's plan to guide and develop insecurity in the borders of our country. It is very necessary to maintain the security of the country in a situation where terrorist groups are active in the eastern and western borders of the country with the logistical support of the United States and the Zionist regime.

In some cases, the enemy commits massive crimes by sending their mercenaries, such as the terrorist incident in Kerman, and their supporting powers need to face severe revenge. Iran has to oblige the countries whose territory has become the headquarters of terrorist groups to end this lodgment and if there is no agreement, the Islamic Republic of Iran will be allowed to militarily confront terrorism near its borders, such as the headquarters of terrorist groups based in Iraq.

Shargh: The terrorist in the region accuses others

In a commentary, Shargh discussed Anthony Blinken's projections and said: U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken ended his trip to the region by projecting against Iran to cover up the crimes of the army of Israel in the Gaza Strip in the shadow of Washington's comprehensive support for Tel Aviv. At the end of his regional trip in Cairo, Blinken spoke about "establishing a path towards the formation of a Palestinian state as the best way" and he called it "isolating Iran". To cover up the crimes of the Israeli regime with the complicity of the United States in the Gaza Strip, he accused of"terrorism" Iran and the resistance axis, which defend themselves against the terrorist actions of Washington and Tel Aviv in the region, and claimed that the other way is to witness the continuation of terrorism, destruction by Hamas, Houthis, and Hezbollah who are supported by Iran. Without referring to the daily crimes of the Israeli army in the West Bank, the U.S. Secretary of State claims that the U.S. is trying very hard to prevent the West Bank from igniting, but the truth is that the terrible slaughter of the oppressed people of the Gaza Strip by Israel is supported by the U.S.

Etemad: The presence of the "Alborz" warship and a complicated equation

In an analysis, Etemad discussed the presence of the Alborz warship in the Red Sea and said: The entry of this ship was bitter news for America and its Western allies, actors who today are facing the challenge of missile and drone attacks by Yemen's Ansarullah in the Red Sea. Western observers claim that the entry of Alborz was a response to the activities of the "Prosperity Guardian Coalition," a coalition that the United States has defined to restore the alleged calm to the Red Sea. Some analysts claim that Iran's goals depend on the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

Tehran may decide to scare the western shipping lines and shake the Prosperity Guardian Coalition apart from deploying the Alborz warship and perhaps its other ships in the Red Sea. However, others believe that there is a risk of conflict when there is a warship in disputed waters. According to them, if the Alborz warship comes to help the Ansarullah's boats, the United States will naturally be passive, because any mistake can lead to a full-scale war. Analysts claim that it is impossible to predict the mission of Alborz in the Red Sea and it is impossible to say whether more ships of the Iranian Navy will join it.

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