Interior Minister expresses pride in Islamic Republic’s democratic system

TEHRAN- Iranian Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi expressed pride in the Islamic Republic's democratic system, which is based on religious, moral, human, and divine values.
Speaking at a meeting on Tuesday, Vahidi condemned the Zionist regime's historical crime in Gaza, which was committed with the support of the United States.
Vahidi reiterated that the Zionist regime's history is marred by terrorism, and it continues to rely on violence. He referenced the massacre of nearly 20,000 innocent Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, saying that the United States falsely portrays itself as a humanitarian nation. Still, it commits crimes against humanity in Gaza.
The minister also addressed the Palestinian people, saying that they have voted for Hamas in elections, but some Westerners claim that Hamas is a terrorist group. He argued that Hamas has demonstrated its humanitarian nature by freeing prisoners from the Zionist regime.
Vahidi directed a stern message to the West, wondering about what they have done to protect human rights. He pointed out that they have killed many children and innocent people. He criticized the United States for vetoing ceasefire resolutions in Gaza, allowing it to continue committing crimes against defenseless people.
Addressing the American officials, the Iranian Minister said, “You are trying to veto the ceasefire in Gaza so that you continue to commit crimes and kill defenseless people.”
To show Washington’s limitless backing for Tel Aviv, the United States, on December 8, vetoed a UN Security Council resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Israel’s carnage in the Gaza Strip.
Earlier on October 18, a day after the bombardment of Al-Ahli hospital in northern Gaza by the Israeli Army, the U.S. alone also blocked a similar resolution calling for a ceasefire presented by Brazil and argued that the text did not mention “Israel’s right to self-defense.”
The minister emphasized that Iran's elections are among the strongest and healthiest in the world, as they are founded on religious, moral, human, and divine democracy. He called on those who value the Islamic Revolution and desire a strong Iran to actively participate in the upcoming elections.
Vahidi concluded by stating that the main pillar of the Islamic Republic's power is its elections, which must be held with the highest level of security and safety.
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