By Mahdi Fazaeli

Lessons from a poll

December 23, 2023 - 22:36

TEHRAN- The Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR) recently conducted a survey in Gaza and the West Bank, providing valuable insights into the experiences and aspirations of the Palestinian people.

The Palestinian people have a rich history of resilience and determination, having endured generations of occupation and struggle for their fundamental rights. They have witnessed the outcomes of various approaches to confronting Israel, including negotiation, armed resistance, and symbolic resistance through the use of stones.

The findings of the PSR have shed light on the evolving sentiments of the Palestinian public.

1) Support for Hamas has surged in both the West Bank and Gaza Strip, tripling in the West Bank since the previous survey three months ago.

2) Public trust in President Mahmoud Abbas and the Fatah party has plummeted, with a majority of Palestinians calling for the dissolution of the Palestinian Authority (PA). The demand for the dissolution of the party has risen to nearly 60%, which is the highest percentage ever recorded in PSR polls. This sentiment is particularly strong in the West Bank, where 90% of respondents favor Abbas's resignation. Of course, Barghouti's popularity is still high.

3) Support for armed struggle has increased by 10%, with over 60% of Palestinians now believing that it is the most effective means to end the Israeli occupation. This sentiment is particularly pronounced in the West Bank, where armed struggle is supported by nearly 70% of the population.

4) A majority of Palestinians in the West Bank believe that the formation of armed groups in settler-targeted communities is the most effective strategy to counter settler violence against Palestinian cities and villages.

5) The survey revealed that the majority of Palestinians are confident in Hamas's ability to resist Israel and prevent the creation of a second Nakba, or Palestinian catastrophe. They firmly believe that Hamas will emerge victorious in its struggle against the Israeli regime.

6) Dissatisfaction with the Palestinian leadership is widespread, with the majority of respondents expressing dissatisfaction with the actions of the PA Prime Minister, PA President, Fatah, and the PA as a whole. Only the actions of Hamas, Yahya Sinwar, and Ismail Haniyeh received a positive response from the majority of Palestinians.

7) The survey also highlighted the high level of discontent with the positions of the United States, European countries, and Arab nations towards the Palestinian cause.

pay attention!

The Palestinian people have unequivocally rejected compromise and compromisers, expressing unwavering support for resistance and its leaders. 

This sentiment is particularly striking given that the survey was conducted in the aftermath of Operation Al-Aqsa Storm, when Gazans were experiencing unprecedented levels of suffering, including a high number of casualties and injuries, widespread hunger, a severe lack of essential infrastructure, and mass displacement.

The Palestinian people have concluded that the cost of compromise is far greater than the cost of resistance. Their experience is a valuable lesson for other nations seeking to liberate themselves from oppression.

This survey serves as a stark reminder of the Palestinian people's unwavering determination to achieve their inalienable rights and their unflinching support for the resistance movement. Their struggle is an inspiration to all those who aspire to live in freedom and justice.

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