Industrial sector’s issues discussed at TCCIMA committee meeting

TEHRAN – Members of the Tehran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture (TCCIMA)’s Industry and Mining Committee gathered on Saturday to discuss the issues related to the Tehran province’s industry and mining sectors.
The challenges that the industrial units are currently facing including the lack of sufficient support for production, lack of attention to the provision of infrastructure, multi-rate currency and lack of access to sufficient foreign currency, mandated pricing and the imposition of cumbersome restrictions on trade were among the topic discussed at the gathering, the TCCIMA portal reported.
During the meeting, which was attended by the deputy Industry, Mining and Trade Minister and the representatives of Tehran’s major industrial and mining companies, head of the committee Hervik Yarijanian said power outages, the high cost of issuing industrial licenses and tax costs are among the problems of the country’s industrial units.
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