Iran’s parliament approves cooperation bill with Russia

TEHRAN – The parliament in Iran has approved the details of a bill outlining cooperation in the field of information security between Iran and Russia.
In an open session on Sunday, the parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Committee’s report on the bill was presented, with its generalities gaining approval, garnering 180 votes in favor and 27 against.
The bill encompasses an introduction, 9 articles, and an appendix, granting permission for the exchange of documents between the governments of Iran and Russia in the realm of information security.
During deliberations, Abolfazl Amouei, spokesman for the Iranian parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Committee, highlighted the emerging cyber threats globally and emphasized that the bill and cooperation with Russia offer solutions to counteract these threats.
Representing Tehran in the parliament, he underscored the multifaceted nature of Iran-Russia relations, urging their enhancement. Previous agreements have spanned cultural, transit, goods, and other sectors, with a call for diversification into information security cooperation.
Addressing concerns about potential changes to the bill, another MP emphasized that information security covers economic, social, and general security aspects, predicting that the bill would contribute to economic, political, social, and informational development.
The bill also faced scrutiny regarding its specification of cooperation types and potential conflicts with existing laws. Responding to concerns, Abdolreza Mesri, Spokesman for the Iranian Parliament's presiding board, clarified that the agreement prohibits either party from disclosing information without the other's permission.
The government representative defended the bill, citing the Leader of the Islamic Revolution’s announced policies on defense self-sufficiency and security.
Negotiations on the agreement commenced in 2018, considering various aspects of the country's information and security.
Stressing compliance with Iranian laws and economic and social interests, the representative highlighted the potential for deepening practical and security relations between Iran and Russia in the field of cyber information.
As the bill clears this parliamentary hurdle, observers anticipate it will strengthen the strategic direction of Iran-Russia relations in the realm of information security. The final implementation awaits the voting of parliamentarians in subsequent stages.
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