By Ali Karbalaei 

Israeli anxiety in Gaza 

December 3, 2023 - 23:8
Probe reveals how the Israeli military has run out of targets to hit 

TEHRAN- Backed by the United States, the indiscriminate Israeli attacks against the civilian population across the entire Gaza Strip continue unabated. 

There is a level of anxiety among the Israeli army, especially in the northern part of the enclave, as it is shooting at anything that moves. 

The administration of U.S. President Joe Biden claims it has pressured the regime to limit the number of civilian casualties in the next phase of the war on Gaza, following a seven-week-old ceasefire. 

The Israeli military, as instructed by the Israeli cabinet, has brushed the wider concerns of the international community on the rising civilian death toll. 

The regime is not taking into account any caution against the loss of civilian life amid Israeli military focus now in the densely populated southern Gaza Strip and in particular the city of Khan Younis where Palestinians had been forcibly displaced by the Israeli army. 

There have been multiple reports of Palestinian civilian casualties in Khan Younis and its surrounding areas.  

In a sign of the anxiety among Israeli ground forces operating in Gaza, they are shooting with lethal force at anything that moves?? including a vehicle belonging to Doctors Without Borders, more commonly known as Médecins Sans Frontières. 
A staff member with Médecins Sans Frontières has recounted the moment Israeli forces opened fire on the MSF vehicle, killing two people. 

In a post on social media, one of the MSF passengers in the car who survived the attack gave this testimony. 

"When we arrived at al-Wahida Street, which is close to our office and guesthouse and Gaza clinic. I saw tanks and snipers on top of the buildings. I was terrified when I saw that the snipers and tanks are pointing at us. 

Especially the fourth and fifth van, they started opening fire on us, and one bullet grazed my forehead. I got a superficial injury. The bullet hit the head of my colleague Alaa, who was just next to me. He got a critical injury in the head and started massively bleeding. 

His head fell on the steering wheel. I immediately took control of the steering wheel to move to the right of the street."

MSF has asked Israeli authorities “for a formal explanation”, adding that it calls for an "independent investigation into this attack".

This comes as a joint investigation published by +972 Magazine and the Hebrew-language outlet Local Call, which interviewed several current and former sources in the Israeli intelligence community who revealed how the regime uses artificial intelligence technology known as the Gospel platform after it ran out of targets to hit.

The technology has loosed the rules of Israeli airstrikes and is based on computer-generated data to locate targets for Israeli warplanes rather than human intelligence. 

The chances of committing massacres have increased as seen in the current war on Gaza, which has entered its 58th day with a civilian death toll surpassing 15,200, 70 percent of them women and children, as of Saturday. 

It allows airstrikes on non-military targets and the use of an AI system, which has enabled the Israeli army to carry out its deadliest war on Gaza.

"In one case discussed by the sources, the Israeli military command knowingly approved the killing of hundreds of Palestinian civilians in an attempt to assassinate a single top Hamas military commander," the probe revealed. 

A powerful Israeli bomb hit a group of multi-story buildings in Hamad City, a Qatari-funded housing development on the outskirts of Khan Younis. Huge clouds of smoke engulfed the complex. 

As for the northern Gaza Strip, there was never any regard for civilian life in the first place.

The Palestinian higher education ministry has announced that an Israeli airstrike on Gaza has killed the prominent Palestinian scholar Sufyan Tayeh along with his entire family. 

The attack hit the town of al Faluja, which is around 30 kilometers northeast of Gaza City.

Tayeh was president of the Islamic University of Gaza and was a leading researcher in physics and applied mathematics. 

In northern Gaza, an airstrike flattened a residential building hosting displaced families in the urban refugee camp of Jabaliya on the outskirts of Gaza City.

Also, in the north, the Palestinian health ministry said, "A violent Zionist bombing on Beit Lahia left dozens of martyrs and injured civilians."

According to the official Palestinian news agency Wafa, many people have been injured in another indiscriminate Israeli missile attack that targeted the Jabalia refugee camp in the north of Gaza.

Numerous residential homes have been hit across Gaza, with multiple casualties reported in a strike that flattened a multi-story building near Gaza City.

After the regime violated a seven-day truce on Friday morning by resuming its merciless attacks against Palestinian civilians, Hamas has now said there will be no further exchange of Israeli captives for Palestinians. 

Saleh al Arouri, the deputy Hamas chief, has said there will be no further exchanges until "the war on Gaza is over". 

Speaking to Al Jazeera, Arouri said the remaining hostages are Israeli soldiers and civilian men who served in the Israeli army.

He added that Israeli hostages will not be freed unless there is a ceasefire and all Palestinian prisoners are released.

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