By Martin Love

Respect for Washington is in the gutter…

November 20, 2023 - 6:30

I have a son who happens to be doctor at Johns Hopkins hospital in Baltimore, Maryland. His father-in-law also is a doctor at Hopkins serving as a pediatric heart specialist.

One of the immediate doctor colleagues of the son’s father in law is one Dr. Darren Klugman, who outraged hundreds of subscribers on X (formerly Twitter) with comments fully supporting the Zionist barbarity over Gaza and calling for its continuation until Palestinians are essentially wiped out. Practically everyone called for Klugman’s dismissal from his post at Johns Hopkins on X. That was good. On October 14, we learned that Klugman will keep his job but he has been forced to write a letter of apology to Johns Hopkins for his commentary about Gazans as dirtbags.

This is just one small anecdote about how deep Zionists such as Klugman have waded into sheer racist madness. All one must do is contrast Klugman with the noble health care professionals at the hospitals in Gaza, many of which have been destroyed or closed for lack of water, electricity, food and medicines.

The largest hospital in Gaza, ash-Shifa, has been invaded by the IOF and any journalists there eliminated to cover up what’s the Israelis are doing.  It is near Gaza city in the northern part of the Gaza Strip, is still vaguely operating at maybe 10 percent of capacity. The dead line the hallways inside and the lanes outside. Some 100 of the dead were buried in a mass grave beside the hospital and scores of other literally rotting bodies of the dead remain to be buried. It’s a scene of such bestial carnage by the Israeli military that it beggars the imagination to conceive of anything more horrific ever. It’s arguably worse, in not in sheer numbers so far, to the efficient industrial murders by the Nazis at Auschwitz, and in many other sites in Europe, of the so-called Nazi designated “untermenschen” (including Jews) in gas chambers and by vast executions during World War 2.

One thing is quite clear. Whether the “successful” attack by Hamas on October 7 east of Gaza was at bottom fomented or permitted by the Israelis combined with Hamas’ aims to break out of the largest concentration camp ever which Gaza has been and make a bloody statement, there is no doubt that the Zionists seized on the Hamas move of October 7, (quite legal in international law under the conditions created by the Zionist Apartheid for decades) to go for a Final Solution against all the Palestinians in the Holy Land. And, as well, attempt to re-occupy Gaza militarily and steal the billions of dollars of untapped oil and natural gas resources offshore in the Mediterranean Sea.

Given all the negative stereotypic  justifications for actions against Jews, most of which were lies and have long been deployed at times over centuries to activate expulsions and persecutions of Jews, the Zionists seem to have fully adopted those stereotypical anti-Jewish views while the majority of “Jews” in the world have rarely have. In fact, most all Zionists are not even “semitic” but rather European Ashkenazi Jews by birth and heritage. The Arabs, Muslim or Christian or whatever, are the true “semites” in our world today and their home is Palestine and nearby countries like Syria and Jordan or Saudi and Iraq and Lebanon.

Of particular concern, for one thing, is the U.S. role in this mess.

Make no mistake. The role is huge. It has been huge since 1947-48 and the first Nakba of ethnic cleansing in Palestine,  which Harry Truman against the advice of wiser minds in his administration permitted, just as Biden and his Neocon Zionist cabal of advisors (who are literally creating and executing current U.S. foreign policies) are effectively permitting the genocide in Gaza and the West Bank. The U.S. could stop the Gazan genocide in half a second, but it won’t.

The U.S. government has been so completely spoiled since the end of World War 2 by initial, extreme world hegemony (until recently), that it has become absolutely desperate to bolster and enlarge what little real hegemony remains given the evident rise of the developing multipolar planet. And this after the U.S. has not “won” a single war despite the destructions it meted out in the Mideast, North Africa, the Balkans, Afghanistan and Vietnam since the early 1960s after President John F. Kennedy was assassinated.

The Biden gang obviously believes that by supporting Israel’s Zionists and their schemes in the resource-rich areas of West Asia, American “power” will somehow be resurrected. However, and this is crucial, the respect of all of humanity for the U.S. outside of its Europe’s vassals is fast vanishing. Does respect have the any positive value for the fading hegemon? It certainly would, but Washington thinks only military dominance is important to achieve U.S. aims, and even that is fading, too, given the rise of China and Russia especially, the latter which has all but won the proxy war against Russia using Ukrainians as cannon fodder while the U.S. government is bankrupting itself handing out billions in fiat dollars to criminals in both Israel and Ukraine.

This observer has long imagined if not predicted that support for the Zionists will spell the primary death knell of U.S. influence and power. This will happen even if the current horrors become much worse with a possible regional war in West Asia or a kinetic war on Iran.


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