By Ali Samadzadeh

Why are the secret confessions of Gen. Kohavi important?

November 18, 2023 - 21:33

TEHRAN – In a revelation that peels back the layers of secrecy surrounding the Israeli military and its political affairs, a recently surfaced audio tape from a confidential meeting exposes the inner workings of the Zionist command. 

Key figures, including Aviv Kohavi, the former Chief of General Staff of the Israeli military, participated in this high-level gathering, shedding light on military operations and strategic discussions.

Kohavi is an influential figure in the Israeli military. His role as the architect of the "Tnufa" plan, aimed at countering specific threats from Iran, underscoring the military's focus on enhancing equipment and weaponry. The so-called “Tnufa” plan called for large-scale acquisitions of new missiles, drones, armored vehicles, air defense batteries, helicopters, and ships alongside the upgrading of the existing Israeli equipment. All this was supposed to be done in order to deter threats from Iran and the Axis of Resistance in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen. 

When leaving duty and stepping down as the chief of staff, Kohavi told his successor that he had almost fulfilled all aspects of his “Tnufa” plan. However, the leaked tape casts a shadow on Kohavi's previous claims of Tnufa’s success, which was originally scheduled for 2025, with subsequent Israeli setbacks revealing the shortcomings and failures of the military campaign. Kohavi only left active duty recently but the October 7 attack went to show that all his predictions and calculations have been wrong all along.

It is important to note that once the war ends and Israel is able to comprehend what’s happened to it, Kohavi is expected to be questioned about the time he served as the chief of staff from 2019 to January 2023. There are many Israelis who believe Kohavi’s leadership and his lack of realistic views is one of the important factors that led to the colossal Israeli defeat in October. The ousted general seems to be worried about his future, hence coming up with suggestions that have a slim chance of success on the battleground. 

Among the revelations in the audio tape, Kohavi acknowledges the resilience of Palestinian resistance, highlighting the cultural determination to withstand occupation. 

As other experts have observed, even in face of Hamas’ annihilation, as long as the Palestinians do not surrender to the evil wills of the occupiers, the Israeli forces cannot claim to be victorious. In such a climate, it is possible for other groups and movements to replace Hamas. Even if Israel’s wish to eradicate Hamas comes true, the group will be replaced by another resistance group in the shortest time possible. 

Another point Kohavi mentions is how Israel is able to come up with fake targets in a bid to continue its illegitimate bombing campaign against Gaza. The former top commander likes to use the term “manufacturing of new targets” to euphemize Israel’s actions. This is the tactic that allows Israel to bomb hospitals, schools, mosques, churches, homes, and refugee camps all across Gaza, without engendering criticism from Western states. The regime has been using this tactic while assisting and advising other politicians as well. In Saudi Arabia’s war against Yemen, for instance, the Zionists helped the Saudis prolong the war by coming up with fake targets and fabrications every day. This strategy has also been an important point in the aforementioned “Tnufa” plan. The statements made by Kohavi in the audio file can even be used as evidence against Israeli politicians and military officials in international courts. 

Furthermore, Kohavi underscored the importance of spreading out forces across Gaza to gain control over the territory. This shows Israel has not changed its policy of occupation in face of uprisings by the Palestinian people.   

Kohavi also emphasized the important task of securing the support of the global community which, as he observed, is “led” by the United States. This statement is phrased in a way that shows Israel’s attitude even towards its supporters is quite prideful, ignoring other countries’ interests. But what the retired general fails to take into account is that a prolonged war against Gaza will ultimately be to the detriment of Western states, which are unwilling to risk a wider conflict. 

Furthermore, the United States is by no means the leader of the global community. This notion has been overtly challenged and discarded by the world’s powers and shows Israel’s fundamental failure in perceiving the situation at hand, both domestically and globally.

In addition to his comments, the former general characterizes the current situation in occupied territories as a "chronic disease," expressing concern over a potential exodus of Israelis due to deteriorating living conditions. The October 7 operation by Hamas further shattered the fragile sense of security for those living in occupied areas, leading to a reported moving out of over 230,000 Israelis by early November. Israelis are no longer able to live in the vicinity of Gaza and Lebanon and as Kohavi mentions himself, even if people decide to remain in other parts of the occupied territories, the northern and southern parts of the occupied Palestine will most probably stay deserted. 

In essence, this leaked audio tape serves as a testament to the breakdown of Israel's internal strategy advisory system. It exposes years of controversial military actions, revealing a degree of hypocrisy and inadequacy in managing the conflict. It also documents Israel’s years of evil conduct in oppressing the people of Gaza, targeting civilian sites, and mass killings of women and children.

As Israel faces setbacks and struggles to control the situation, the global community's reluctance to provide unwavering support may signal an impending defeat for the Israeli regime.

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