Book featuring Egypt under Achaemenids gets Persian translation

The Persian edition of the book was unveiled on Wednesday during a ceremony held at the Glassware and Ceramic Museum of Iran in downtown Tehran.
It is said to contain the first study of the material culture of Egypt during the period of Achaemenid Persian rule, and its goal is to challenge the common idea that the Achaemenid rule of Egypt was either ephemeral and weak or oppressive and harsh.
To achieve his goal, Colburn focuses on three main tasks; to describe the intellectual foundations of our knowledge of the archaeology of the 27th dynasty; to assemble a corpus of visual and material records from Egypt that can be dated with confidence to the 27th dynasty; and to use this corpus to characterize Achaemenid rule in Egypt.
The Achaemenid Empire was the largest and most durable empire of its time. The Persian kingdom stretched from Ethiopia, through Egypt, to Greece, to Anatolia (modern Turkey), to Central Asia, and to India.
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