By Aina Ademola Adeniran

Israel, Palestine, and the colonial question

November 13, 2023 - 0:41

The ugly escalation and disproportionate reaction of the Zionist regime of Israel after the October 7 incident has been a matter of global concern. Articles have been published and rockets have been launched but the only question in the mouths of Western politicians and journalists alike has been: “Do you condemn Hamas?” 

This is an unfair and disingenuous question as it tends to simplistically analyze a 75-year illegal and immoral occupation based on one event—the October 7 event. The continuous subjection of the Palestinian people into Nazi-esque concentration camps, their denial of basic human rights and dignity, the incessant scourging of Palestinians with the whips of Israeli apartheid militia and the voyeuristic gaze and endorsement of Western politicians of this ghoulish barbarity have degenerated the Middle East into a spectacle of unending chaos and anarchy. Indeed, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict did not begin on October 7, 2023.

The Palestinian perturbs 

Following the Nakba in 1948 and the subsequent illegal appropriation of Palestinian properties and the pummel of two million Palestinian people into less than 30 percent of the land established an apartheid state—a brutally compartmentalized world regimented by weapons of mass destruction. This unbearable injustice automatically morphed Palestine into a theatre of anticolonial resistance. According to Israeli Citizen Law (The Jewish Law of Return), a prerequisite to becoming an Israeli citizen affirms that “all Jews, no matter where they were born, are Israeli citizens by right. With the word “Jew” the law refers to every person born to a Jewish parent, or who is a convert to Judaism, and is not a member of another religion. 
This obnoxious law automatically confers a Carte Blanche of immigration right to Jews all over the world to Israel. As a matter of fact, being an Israeli citizen is largely a matter of faith and not a matter of indigenousness, this is the reason Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, who is originally an eastern European, born in Warsaw, Poland is currently committing genocide in Gaza on the premise of being an Israeli. 
Regardless of what cynics, genocide apologists and fanatical orientalists claim, what we have in Palestine today is apartheid, the most violent form of fascism-- a far-right, settler-colonial regime—an occupying power with the long-term intent of exterminating the people of Palestine and appropriating their land. This attitude is reminiscent of the apartheid regime in South Africa. 
Just like George Washington, Patrick Henry and their comrade-in-arms had the moral right to expel British colonialists from American soil, the Palestinian people today also have the moral authority to resist Israeli settler-colonial violence. The spurious claim that Hamas uses civilian infrastructures as shields in the Gaza Strip is a façade to justify the mass murder of Palestinians. The indiscriminate murder of over eleven thousand Palestinians in a bid to get rid of a handful of rebels in the Gaza strip is the zenith of the violent perpetuation of a warped logic. It is in one word, a war crime—a belligerent disregard of international law. Israel in Palestine today is doing exactly what Britain did in Kenya, what France did in Algeria, and what Germany did in Namibia. The Western world with whom the mantle of a ‘rule-based’ world order lies has laid a poor moral foundation upon which no meaningful resolution hinged on justice, fairness and human rights can be reached.    

The American factor 

Just like the South African apartheid regime, the Zionist regime of Israel is being subsidized by the United States government with arms and ammunition and financial aid running into billions of dollars. A recent study shows that the United States has sent an estimate of $128billion dollars in military and defense aid to Israel between 1946- 2023, it is an utter shame that American taxpayers’ money is being used to finance a genocide in the Middle East while millions of Americans remain homeless and millions more of American students are being asphyxiated by the odious debt. Following Western unpopularity in the Middle East, Israel has become of strategic geopolitical importance to Washington thus the continuous endorsement of an apartheid state in the Middle East at the cost of thousands of Palestinian lives. We dare to say it: the United States is indeed not a bastion of democracy and human rights as it claims. The United States is the arch perpetuator of the macabre scenes of barbaric destructions in the colonial theatre of the Middle East through her support of the Zionist state of Israel and her voyeuristic gaze at the war crimes, ethnic cleansing and genocide committed against the Palestinian people— the United States has the blood of thousands of Palestinians on her hands. It is not too late for the United States to take a respite and reflect on how her foreign policy is leading to the dispossession and destruction of lives and properties in Palestine. 

Africa, Palestine: A political camaraderie

As the astounding Palestinian journalist and intellectual, Ghassan Kanafani said, “Imperialism has laid its body over the world, the head in Eastern Asia, the heart in the Middle East, its arteries reaching Africa and Latin America. Wherever you strike it, you damage it, and you serve the World Revolution…The Palestinian cause is not a cause for Palestinians only, but a cause for every revolutionary, wherever he is, as a cause of the exploited and oppressed masses in our era.” The Palestinian cause is a matter of global concern especially to Africans who have and still are victims of Western imperial exploitative hegemony. As oppressed people, our struggles are therefore interwoven precisely because we are exploited primarily by the same empire: the West and its neocolonial institutions. The victory of the Vietnamese in Dien-Bien-Phu in the Indochina war weakened French colonial hegemony and accelerated African liberation struggles and the civil rights struggle in America. It was international solidarity that led to the liberation of South Africa from apartheid, therefore, as oppressed people, the internationalization of our struggles is of utmost importance. And as Thomas Sankara brilliantly put, “We are heirs of the word revolution.”

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