Two Iranian athletes suspended for doping

TEHRAN – Iran National Anti-Doping Organization (NADO) has confirmed that two sportsmen have been suspended from all sport for three years following the anti-doping rule violation.
Weightlifter Abbas Fakhrzare has been tested positive for 19-norandrosterone. Norandrosterone is named as a banned substance under the WADA 2022 prohibited list and is filed under the anabolic androgenic steroids category.
He is banned from Sept. 30, 2023 to Sept. 29, 2026.
Hammer thrower Reza Moghaddam has been also tested positive for prohibited substance stanozolol.
Stanozolol is one of the AAS commonly used as performance-enhancing drugs and is banned from use in sports competition under the auspices of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) and many other sporting bodies. It is an anabolic steroid that is known to have a diuretic effect.
Moghaddam is banned from Aug. 19, 2023 to Aug. 18, 2026.
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