Amir Abdollahian meets Taliban acting Deputy PM in Tehran

November 5, 2023 - 22:43

TEHRAN - Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian met on Sunday with the Acting Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs of the Taliban government Abdul Ghani Baradar in Tehran.

Led by Baradar, Afghanistan’s delegation arrived in Iran on Saturday. The meeting’s agenda included the creation of cooperative working groups in different areas, including commerce, transit, transportation, customs, and environment.

FM meets UN special envoy for Yemen

On Sunday, Amir Abdollahian also met with Hans Grundberg, the UN Special Envoy for Yemen, who was in Tehran on an official visit.

They reviewed the current developments in the Arab country and addressed the latest events in Yemen, which has been at war with Saudi Arabia for more than eight years.

Saudi Arabia and its allies attacked Yemen in March 2015. There has been a respite in combat in recent months due to peace talks.

Iran has frequently urged for a pause of hostilities and the resolution of problems through dialogue.

“Root cause of Gaza war is U.S. military backing for Israel”

Also, in a phone call with his Iraqi counterpart Fuad Hussein on Saturday, Amir Abdollahian said that the United States’ unrelenting military backing for the Israeli regime is one of the primary causes of the current dilemma in West Asia.

During their talk, the two foreign ministers talked about the most recent events in Israel’s bloody war on the beleaguered Gaza Strip.

“Continuation of the Zionist regime’s war crimes and extensive massacre of civilians, especially women and children, in addition to the United States’ vast military support for the aggressor Zionist regime are major factors that have intensified the current crisis in the region,” Amir Abdollahian added. 

Iran’s top diplomat went on to say that if Israel escalated its ongoing war against civilians in Gaza, the conflict would inevitably expand.

The foreign minister of Iraq, for his part, emphasized the need for Muslim nations to unite and coordinate their support for the Palestinian people.

In addition, he emphasized how critical it is to stop the Israeli regime’s attacks on Gaza and prevent the conflict from getting worse.

Iran and Oman discuss the appalling situation in Gaza

Separately on Saturday, Sayyid Badr Albusaidi, the Foreign Minister of Oman, and the Iranian foreign minister talked about the circumstances in Palestine.

The senior diplomats called for more efforts and improved cooperation among Muslim nations to put an end to the Zionist regime’s crimes against the oppressed people of Gaza, describing the humanitarian situation in the region as “appalling”.

They then looked into measures to put a halt to the slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza, particularly women and children.

The two foreign ministers also emphasized the need to immediately ease the embargo on Gaza in order to allow humanitarian aid, including food, medicine, medical equipment, and gasoline, to enter the blockaded region.

Amir Abdollahian and Albusaidi also spoke out strongly against the Israeli regime’s policy of forcible displacement of Gaza inhabitants.

Since October 7, when Hamas began Operation al-Aqsa Storm in the occupied territories near Gaza in reaction to the regime’s escalating atrocities against Palestinians, Israel has been carpeting the Gaza Strip with bombs.

As of Sunday afternoon, at least 9,770 Palestinians, including 4,800 children, had been killed in Israeli air strikes on the Gaza Strip.

The U.S., Israel’s biggest and oldest ally, has backed Tel Aviv's ferocious attacks on the Palestinian territory as “self-defense,” and has provided the regime with thousands of arms consignments since the onset of the war.

Washington has also vetoed resolutions of the United Nations Security Council calling on the occupying regime to stop its hostilities.

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