By Mohammad Sarfi

Blinken’s empty proposals 

November 4, 2023 - 22:39

TEHRAN- Anthony Blinken, the US Secretary of State, has made his second trip to the occupied territories since the beginning of the regime’s attacks on Gaza.

According to media reports, Blinken has raised the issue of ‘humanitarian pauses’ during his meetings with Israeli officials. At the same time, another American official has stated that the temporary ceasefire should be in exchange for the release of Israeli captives. Benjamin Netanyahu has also stated that he does not agree with Blinken's proposal and will continue the bombing and killing of the people of Gaza.

In fact, it must be said that the Israeli army in Gaza is facing challenges beyond its expectations. An army that claims to be the fourth most powerful and technological army in the world has been stuck in less than ten kilometers of progress and consolidation in the depth of Gaza after a week of ground operations and faces new surprises almost every day while suffering heavy casualties.

In such circumstances, a temporary ceasefire is a forced choice for Netanyahu to be able to reorganize the field and the mental situation of his army. But Netanyahu is trying to sell this need to all parties with the help of America, at a very high price. From the international community, who are angry at the genocide of the people of Gaza, to Hamas forces.

Furthermore, Blinken has referred to the establishment of a Palestinian state as the only way to guarantee the security of the Israeli regime. It is necessary to pay attention to a few points in this regard.
The first point is that Americans, who had completely forgotten about the Palestinian issue, now talk about the necessity of establishing a Palestinian state, which can be seen as one of the several of the achievements of the Al-Aqsa Intifada.

The second point is that Americans lie and are never seeking the realization of a genuine Palestinian state. The Oslo Accords, which have been in existence for three decades, were supposed to reach this point, but they gave privileges to Israel and made empty promises to the Palestinians.

And the third point is that even if we assume such a thing becomes reality - which is unlikely - who would be willing to give away 70% of their land to occupiers and live with them? If your car gets stolen, are you willing to just take back two wheels and let go of the thieves?

A potential Palestinian government that’s part of the two-state solution can only look like the Palestinian National Authority and will not be anything more than that. A corrupt entity that does nothing but suppress the resisters. As an Iranian proverb says: "A partner in theft and a companion on the journey!"

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