President Latif says Iraq’s ties with Iran of great importance

October 4, 2023 - 22:42

TEHRAN – Iraq’s President Abdul Latif Rashid on Tuesday hailed Iraq’s friendly ties with Iran on Tuesday, deeming them important for the government of Iraq.

Rashid made the remarks during an interview with Iraqi media. 

“Our relations with Iran are important as we share a 1400 km border with each other,” the official said. 

He also stressed that Baghdad will not allow any force to use its soil to harm Iraq’s neighbors. His words come after some Iraqi officials claimed they had stayed committed to a security deal signed with Iran in March, and expelled all separatist militant groups residing in Iraqi Kurdistan.

The terrorist bases that have reportedly been dismantled belong to the Komalah, Kurdistan Freedom Party (PAK), Kurdistan Free Life Party (PJAK) and Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP).

During the interview, Iraq’s president also announced that Baghdad is looking to reach a similar deal with Turkey.  “We are seeking to reach an agreement with Turkey to solve the current problems, as happened with Iran,” he said after condemning Ankara for its repeated attacks on the northern regions of Iraq. 

Turkey frequently launches airstrikes on northern Iraq, claiming to target the PKK Kurdish group, which it has listed as a terrorist entity. The Turkish raids have sometimes led to civilian deaths and drew angry reactions from Baghdad. Iraq accused Turkey of breaching its sovereignty and national integrity.

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