Annual export from textile industry stands at $560m

October 4, 2023 - 13:27

TEHRAN – Secretary of the Association of Iran Textile Industries Shojaeddin Emami Rauf has said annual export from the country’s textile industry stands at $560 million, while the imports are currently about $1.880 billion, IRIB reported.

“The imports in the textile industry are currently $1.880 billion, which includes the import of yarn, clothing, fabric, etc.,” Emami Rauf said.

According to the official, approximately $680 million of the above-mentioned figure is related to the imports of fabrics.

“We have a big gap in the weaving industry and investment should be made in this field; with a small investment we can reduce the imports in this sector and turn raw materials into domestic products,” the official said.

“If the government supports weaving units, we can also invest in the spinning and dye sector and increase exports while preventing currency outflow,” he added.

According to Emami Rauf, the Iranian textile industry has the capacity to increase exports by 3-4 times.


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