By Alireza Akbari

Drones; The West's newest excuse for Iranophobia

October 1, 2023 - 20:21

TEHRAN- On September 28, the Jerusalem Post, an Israeli news website, published an article titled “US and Europe put the screws to Iran’s drone program- analysis” to tarnish Iran’s progresses.

The article, written by SETH J. FRANTZMAN focused on Iran’s drone advancement and referred to the U.S. State Department, which said on Wednesday that “today, the United States is designating a network linked to the US-designated Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). This network – comprised of five entities and two individuals based in Iran, the People’s Republic of China (PRC), Hong Kong, Türkiye, and the United Arab Emirates – has been procuring sensitive parts for Iran’s attack-drone program.”

Reasons behind defaming Iran

Enlisting the names of some countries, the article tends to spread Iranophobia and hesitancy among the countries that have deals with Iran in any field, while the growing list of customers for Iranian drones proves the failure of the so-called policy.

Drones play important roles in combat, agriculture, and industry.

Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Ashtiani said on July 19 that nearly all countries seek to enhance their defense capabilities via drones. As with the defense cooperations signed between Iran and other countries to enhance the border securities, encounter drug dealing and arms trafficking.  

E3 to dodge obligation 

Diplomatic efforts to reach a comprehensive, long-term and proper solution to the Iranian nuclear issue culminated in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCOPA) concluded on 14 July 2015 by China, France, Germany, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, the United States, the High Representative of the European Union (the E3/EU+3) and the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Given the termination of the sanctions on Iran’s missile program on October 18, the EU trio, also known as the EU Big Three, tends to avoid accountability toward Iran.    

Following the footsteps of E3 who recently violated their obligations under UN Security Council Resolution 2231 on Iran’s nuclear plan, the Israeli website, introducing Iran as the world threat, said “This threat targets the Middle East and Ukraine these days, but may go further afield. Iran, for instance, sent drone models to a defense expo in Serbia, according to recent reports, and it appears to be trying to sell the drones not only in Europe, but also in Asia, Africa and South America.”

Willing to retain the sanctions on Iran, the West looks for excuses not to lift them as it was announced by the EU’s chief diplomat Josep Borrell earlier last month that “They (France, Germany, UK) express their intent not to take the steps regarding the lifting of further sanction.”

Ridiculous expectation

The U.S. and its allies expect Iran to give up its defense program while the country has faced serious threats. 

In his recent speech at the UN General Assembly, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed Iran and threatened to use nuclear weapons against the Islamic Republic of Iran, which was reacted by Iran’s ambassador to the UN, Amir Saeid Iravani who sent a letter of complaint to the UN secretary general and the presidents of the General

Assembly and the Security Council, expressing strong condemnations toward Netanyahu’s threats. 

On September 10, the Director of the Zionist regime’s spy agency David Barnea threatened the Iranian officials with “assassination.”

“The time has come to make Iran pay in a different manner,” said Barnea while showing the pictures of the Iranian officials. 

Zionists threaten, Zionists assassinate 

Majid Shahriari was assassinated in a terrorist operation by the Zionist regime on Monday, December 29, 2010. 

After his martyrdom, Philip Giraldi, a former officer of the CIA admitted on November 28, 2010, that the American spy agencies along with the Zionist regime, and the terrorist group MKO cooperated to assassinate an Iranian nuclear scientist.

The senior fellow and director of research at the Washington Institute Patrick Clawson, considered the assassination of Iran's nuclear scientists one of the ways to confront Iran and said: "Terror is the way ahead US."

On January 11, 2012, Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, a nuclear scientist, was assassinated in Tehran after leaving his home at 8:30 in the morning by a bomb that was attached by a motorcyclist to his car.

On January 12, 2010, Masoud Ali-mohammadi, a physics professor at Tehran University, was assassinated.

Dariush Rezainejad, 35, was the next victim of sinister plots. He was shot dead before the eyes of his wife and little girl on July 23, 2011, by armed men on a motorcycle in front of his home in east Tehran. 

Mohsen Fakhri-zadeh, who is known as the father of Iran's nuclear program, was assassinated on November 27, 2020. He was the only Iranian scientist that Netanyahu said on April 30, 2018 "Remember this name: Fakhri-zadeh."

Sanction not a solution but an excuse

“The fact that there have been numerous rounds of sanctions on the drone program already illustrates that it may not be effective yet,” stated the article introducing sanctions as useless toward stopping Iran’s progress. Yet the homegrown and localized technology of Iran is the reason for immunizing the country toward the imposed sanctions.      

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