Iranian vocalist Vahid Taj to Perform in Konya

TEHRAN –Prominent Iranian vocalist Vahid Taj is set to perform a concert in Konya, Turkey to commemorate the birthday anniversary of Persian poet and mystic Molana Jalal ad-Din Rumi on Thursday.
The concert, accompanied by the Molana ensemble, will showcase a selection of Iranian music pieces.
The concert titled "From Khoi to Konya" will feature fresh compositions, accompanied by lyrics from Rumi and other contemporary Persian poets.
Molana Jalal ad-Din Rumi (1207 to 1273) is one of the most widely recognized and celebrated poets in the world. His works have been translated into multiple languages and continue to inspire readers globally. Rumi's spiritual teachings and poetry have deeply influenced the entire Islamic world.
Rumi was born in present-day Afghanistan and later migrated to Konya, Turkey, where he lived most of his life and wrote the majority of his works. As a result, the city of Konya became a vibrant center of Sufism, an Islamic mystical tradition, and a hub of intellectual and artistic activity.
After Rumi's death, his followers established the Mevlevi Order, also known as the Whirling Dervishes, which is still active in Konya today. The Mevlevi Order is a mystical order of Islam that follows Rumi's teachings and practices.
Every year on December 17th, Rumi's passing anniversary, the Mevlevi Order hosts a celebration in Konya known as the "Şeb-i Arus" (literally meaning "Night of Union" in Turkish) to commemorate the poet and his spiritual legacy.
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